
May 03, 2004 14:33

this weekend wasnt to bad...the show on friday sucked,but i got fuckin mad stoned!!!and i didnt spend a single penny on it.even though the show blew-ass i gotta give props to victor,ryan,paul,and trey,yall showed eveyone whats up,hehe.aaaa....well i went to barnes and noble,with my homeboy lunchbox,miguel,and chris,after smokin out at the house a ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

hey girlwithboots66 May 3 2004, 13:40:19 UTC
man i'll get you shoe laces anytime, fyelip *says it with german accent* lol. school is taking forever i wanna see you. uhh nevermind schools gonna end in about 7 minutes. home to see you soon.

<3 much, evy


Re: hey girlwithboots66 May 3 2004, 13:41:39 UTC
**hope to see you soon


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love of my...what the fuck?!?!?! boneyardlovin May 4 2004, 20:26:33 UTC
to late i already told every one that you screwed jd.


pure SEX :o) girlwithboots66 May 4 2004, 16:59:27 UTC
oh man phillip! your hotness succumbs me! lol. oh man i'm bored. you should get home now so we can chill again and try to watch another movie! haha.

<3 so much, evy


its min min! evolmindy May 4 2004, 19:21:58 UTC
hey phillip whats up! i didn't know you had a live journal.crazy man. everyone has one of these.

check ya l8er



F THIS SHIT becca_babe May 4 2004, 22:57:18 UTC
Man phillip.....you know there are like a million people who freakin care bout you....when people tend to start likeing you as a friend or caring for you it seems like all you can do is push them away....is that what you do i mean f this....i never treated you in any freakin bad way and i always enjoy having stupid class with you and so what do you do...freakin try and ruin my life...is anything freakin sacred...do you ever just enjoy life and try not to ruin things...life isnt all about hate,death, and darkness...there is other stuff to it...life isnt a piece of crap even if it seems like it sometime...i dont give a fuck bout what people say....but God phillip i really cared for you as a freakin friend and you try your hardest to destroy that...what the hell is that shit....


Re: F THIS SHIT boneyardlovin May 5 2004, 11:52:05 UTC


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