Its raining and I'm way bored, I took this from Jessica's Myspace

Aug 02, 2005 21:30

The longest survey you'll ever fill out! Copy and paste this. Fill it out and send it to all your friends including the person who sent it to you. Do this because the person who sent it to you didnt sit here for ages for nothing. Answer all the questions honestly, no lying to avoid stuff.

Time started: 9:30 pm

Name: Bonnie

Nicknames: Bonichiwa, Bon, B , and I'm sure many others

Single or Taken: Single

Sex: Female

Birthday: November 17 (this is also the name of a terrorist group :/ )

Sign: Scorpio

Siblings: Jessica Ann, Joshua Daniel, James Robert, Michelle Rene

Eye color: I'm a brown eyed girl

Shoe size: 8

Height: 5'4" ( I think)

What are you wearing right now: pink tank top under a white shirt and jean capris

Where do you live: Tucson and Phoenix

Righty or lefty: righty

Relationships: I don't really do relationships

Who are your closest friends: Sabrina and Suzanne , even if they arent friends with each other

Best place for a date: Anywhere that you can talk

where is your fav place to shop? Old Navy, Macys

Do you have any tattoos or piercing:Just the ears are pierced, no tattoos


Color: GREEN

Number: 17

Boys Name: T.J. and Kale

Girls Name: Olivia and I can't remember the other

Subject in school: History

Animal: Turtle

Drink: Pina Colada

Sport: Football

Food: Grilled Cheese :)

Month: November

Band: Something Corporate

Movie: When Harry Met Sally

Finger: Pinkie

breakfast: Honey Nut Cherios, or French Toast

Aftershave/perfume: Not sure

Favorite cartoon character: Winnie the Pooh

-Have you ever-

Been A contest Winner: I won a contest where you were supposed to look like your dog... I think it was rigged

Given anyone a bath: Not in a long time, when I used to babysit I did

Smoked: nope

Bungee Jumped: nope and never will

Made yourself throw-up: uh no thats disgusting

Gone skinny dipping: no

Been in the opposite sex's bathroom: sure

Eaten a dog biscuit: no they dont smell good

Got your tongue stuck to a pole: negative

Loved someone so much it made you cry? nope

Broken a bone: no knock on wood

Played truth or dare? many many times

Been in a physical fight: not really

Been in a police car: no

Come close to dying: Not that I know of

been in a sauna: yes, but not for long

Been in a hot tub: If you havent you are seriously missing out

Swam in the ocean: Yes many times

Fallen asleep in school: Once or twice

Ran away: Haha yes... but we only went to the park, and then my dad came and got us

Broken someone's heart: doubt it

Cried when someone died: yes

Flashed someone: no comment

Cried in school: Yes in first Grade but Mrs Tate made it all better

Fell off your chair: Not that I can remember but I'm sure I have

Sat by the phone all night waiting for a call: uh... its possible but I hope not

Saved AIM conversations: sure have... but I no longer have them cause my computer crashed (can't say I care too much though)

Saved e-mails: yes... but maybe I should delete those too

Fallen for your best friend?: no, that would be weird

Been cheated on? no, and I wouldnt stand for it if I had been it would be over no questions about it

-First thing that comes to mind-

Red: blue

Blue: chips

Autumn: leaves

Cow: mad cow disease

Greenland: Iceland

Cat: Gizmo

Nickel: dime

Elbow: room

-What is..-

Your good luck charm: I dont think I have one

Whats your room like: a big mess, but I love it!

Last thing you said: Don't let the dog in

What is beside you: The back door and a QT cup

What kind of shampoo do you use: Dove

Something that has happened to you this year: I almost got sars ( I fell in a puddle in the subway)

Had Chicken pox: Yes I did and someone will never let me forget that I gave it to her... its time to let it go

Had Sore Throat: often

Believe in love at first sight?: Lust and first sight yes... love at first sight not so much

Like picnics: yeah

Like school: sometimes

Loved anyone: love my family and my dog

-Would you-

Eat a live hamster: hell no

Go to a Hanson concert: I almost did with Julie, but I thought I had to work , and then I didnt have to work but I already spent the money on something else

Kill someone you didn't know for 15 billion dollars?: I would probably say I would but then chicken out... cause uh that would be hard

If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want to be there with?: I don't like this question... I'm sure I'll leave someone out who will be offended so I would want all new people that I dont currently know on my island.

who was the last person...

you touched: uh... I havent a clue

You massaged: uh... no one?

you kissed: my mom on the cheek

You yelled at: probably Michelle

Who told you they loved you: My Daddy

Is your loudest friend: Rachael

Do you/Are You:

Do you like filling these out: yeah... I think they annoy other people though

do you wear contacts or glasses: glasses

Do you like yourself: usually

Do you get along with your family: Most of the time

Have piercing below the waist?: no, I'm against those

Obsessive?: yeah, unfortunatly I think I am

Anorexic?: I love food too much

Depressed?: I dont think so

Suicidal?: no

-Final questions-

How many ppl are you sending this to: anyone who reads my LJ

What are you listening to right now: the music in the american eagle outfitters commercial

What did you do yesterday: Got a pedicure and went shopping, it was a good day

hated someone in your family: no

Got any awards: not recently

do you want to get married: I don't know... we will see

Good actor: not really

Good Singer: hell no

Have a lava lamp? no but that would be fun

how many remote controls are in your house: God who knows

Are you double jointed: no

What do you dream about: really weird things that wont happen, and plane crashes

last time you showered: around 3 this afternoon

Last time you took a bath: no clue

The last movie you saw at the theatres: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Scary or happy movies: Happy

Root beer or Dr.Pepper: root beer but only if its A&W otherwise I prefer Dr. Pepper

Mud or Jell-O wrestling: I dont think I like either... but Jell-O might be a little better

Silver or Gold: White gold or platnuim

Sunset or Sunrise: Sunrise... not that I ever see it

Phone or in person: in person, phones suck

Oldest, middle, youngest or only child: middle

Do you want your friends to fill this out and send it back?: they wont

What time is it now fuck? 10:33 p.m., I stopped to watch the real world
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