(no subject)

Apr 13, 2005 12:39

x: name = david
:x: nicknames = bonner, boner, the claw, spiderman bt shhh
:x: piercings = 1
:x: tattoos = none yet
:x: tattoos you want (if any): Drum stick, drum set, a snare with a rose wrapped round it(drawn by me:D) stars most places.
:x: height = 6'3
:x: shoe size = 12 or 13
:x: hair color = brown
:x: siblings = wee bro
:x: movie you rented = dinnae ken
:x: movie you bought = ooft. errrr team america?
:x: song you listened to = the academy is: down and out
:x: song that was stuck in your head = kings of leon: the bucket
:x: cd you listened to = blink 182: untitled
:x: person you've called = mark
:x: person that's called you = mark
:x: tv show you've watched = dunno, the football was on but wasnt watching it
:x: person you were thinking of = not appropriate :( :'(
:x: you have a crush on someone = crush?..tis a very small word :(
:x: you wish you could live somewhere else = erm dunno...
:x: you think about suicide = No
:x: you believe in online dating =dunno, if someone wants 2 do it then good for them i guess :s
:x: you want more piercings = yesh
:x: you like cleaning =nooo lol i bloody hate it=|
:x: you like roller coasters = Yasssss =D
:x: you write in cursive or print = eh......wtf.
:x: long distance relationships = hmm, dunno, wud probs suck
:x: using someone = against,
:x: suicide = Against.
:x: teenage smoking = against
:x: driving drunk = Against.
:x: soap operas = erm....against :P actually moan the emmerdale :|
:x: ever cried over a girl = yes :(
:x: ever cried over a boy = no, no matter wot ppl think of me and marc
:x: ever lied to someone = no i dont think, theres no point
:x: ever been in a fist fight = yes
:x: ever been arrested=no
:x: shampoo do you use = there tres semme in the bathroom
x: shoes do you wear = convers, vans, my 'woven' vans (shexual) dunlops, pony riding boots :D (joke) lol
:x: what are you scared of = loneliness
:x: of times I have been in love = hmmmmm
:x: of times I have had my heart broken = dunno..once
:x: of hearts I have broken = dunno..if i have they havnt told me, lol
:x: of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends= 3 or 4 probs(depending how you look at it)
:x: of times my name has appeared in the newspaper = a few, and my picture in my sexy rugby gear, oh yes:D
:x: of scars on my body = erm a cuple
:x: of things in my past that I regret = sum stuff
:x: funny = erm yeh a spose, but people are usually laffin at me and not with me :( lol
:x: friendly = yeh :)
:x: loveable = hmmm, i hope
:x: caring = yesh
:x: sweet = i can be :)
:x: dorky = YESH, along with geekyness
:x: slept in your bed = erm me... and apart frm me, mark lik weeks ago after i fell asleep on teh couch, THE BAW!!
:x: saw you cry = erm i dunno, lauren perhaps..well sorta was
:x: made you cry = hmmm :(
:x: you went to the movies with = hmmm..she was really pretty :(
:x: made you laugh = mark jus there on msn
:x: missed you = dunno. y wud i know who missed me :S
:x: told you they loved you = berrie baws!
:x: kissed you = :( bleh
:x: hugged you = berrie
:x: wrote you a letter = erm..a dunno :S the college lik last year, lmao
:x: gave you something = ma bro gave me a pen :S
:x: told you they missed you = ok as i sed above
:x: made you hurt inside = em..:( wots with these qu *angry face* lol
:x: made fun of you = rach.. I AM KOOL, i am a beach babe:D 
:x: said something weird to you = marc.. or berrie
:x: dedicated a song to you = erm dunno, i dont like to brag but ashlee simpson wrote a song about me:P :D
:x: said "I love you" and meant it = yeh, dnt say it if u dont mean it, lol
:x: said "I love you" and didn't mean it = nopes
:x: went out in public in your pajamas = oh yes,
:x: cried during a movie = erm, not cried but hownice os the ending of spiderman 2, :$ ah tis lourvly :)
:x: had a song written about you = yeh, marc wrote 1, ahahahaha
:x: loved somebody so much it made you cry = SPIDERMAN,
:x: hid someone in your house = nopes
:x: slow-danced = yesh, im quite the mover :P
:x: been kicked out = yeh but i was lik 6 and it was lik at 1 in the morning, i got up during the night and got thrown outside, was terrifying at that age, :(
:x: been caught with drugs/alcohol = yesh
:x: hugged someone and never wanted to let go = hmmmmm..yeh:(

thot id stck it in a cut cuz im nice :) lol

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