I was thinking of having a Header Challenge for Challenge 10, but I wanted to give everyone lots of time since I know August is the busiest month of the year for a lot of us.
~You must submit your own work, specially made for this challenge.
~Do not post them anywhere until voting is over.
~You may submit up to 2 (two) headers. Submit the url only.
~Size requirements: width should be no smaller than 700 and no larger than 850. height should be no smaller than 200 and no larger than 350.
~ You may use any image of Bonnie, in or out of character, or both if you feel like being creative. ;)
~The header must say bonniestills or some variation of that on the header.
~You have the entire month of August to submit your entries.
Suggested Images:
Suggested Galleries:
so-bonnie ~
bonniewrightonline Due Date: Wednesday, August 31 @ 7:00pm EST
Entries/Participants: 07/04