the shape, of a star, hidden beneath the surface, the skin, the fabric. it itches, it itches so bad. but no need to worry, my body has served me well. and yours and yours and yours..
sometimes i need certainty, facts. something concrete, build out of words, or out of flesh. i hate it when she fools me, the clock and her only answer. her voice slowly ticks away while i realize this was another one of her little lies. little crimes. seven thirty. ten past ten. i'm running late, and then i'm not.
the days shrink away, while we do the same.
&all the seasons are mixed up (but what is not?), when it rains and i'm dripping wet i might mistake the rain for sweat. it's hard to keep up with all these changes, all these events. but i know that when i forget, you forget. when i am certain, you are
your mouth is dirty, your mouth is filthy. but it suits you.
moeilijkheden medelijden zelf lijden
weg lijden terug lijden
ons even,
ons leven versnijden
fijn stampen hard stampen
zachtjes wiegen
the truth is shocking
rocking bodies embodied
overlopende dagen bloeddoorlopen ogen
(ja ze schreeuwen weer)
surpressed surprised blessed
wat echter is dan echt
en ook voor jou
begrijpen afgrijzen hetspijtme
spugend komen de woorden al kotsend gaan ze
sneak up and scare you to
_____s deep scars crisscross
all over your heart
still pounding still in doubt
bleeding pumping bleeding
like mine, my lips and these fingers
you slipped through
as black as these words might seem you would be surprised to see them the way i do, i did. just as surprised as i was when i saw the pink on your face, melting, dripping off. bodypaint, fingerpaint, we are artists and this is what we do. what we don't;
(we have adjusted to life)