STOLEN obviously

Sep 04, 2006 21:57


FIRST REAL BEST FRIEND: Michelle (Chezem) Crume ... me and that chickadee go way back and we're still best friends.

FIRST SCHOOL: The place at the Church on Main Street...I don't remember the name, but there's a pre-school there and that's where Michelle and I met.

FIRST CELL PHONE: A crappy Nokia phone from Cingular (ME TOO)

FIRST FUNERAL: My grandmother Kimm, she died when I was 3 1/2.

FIRST PET: Frederick, the pretty li'l kitty kat.

FIRST BIG TRIP: Yikes...I don't have lots of memories of it, but I remember going to Disney when I was about 5ish. We almost lost my sister, it was funny.

FIRST CELEBRITY CRUSH: oh god, probably jonathon brandeis...Michelle and I had a thing for him...then he killed himself...*tear* or maybe Christian Slater...Love that man.

FIRST TIME OUT OF THE COUNTRY?: 4th grade, dad was in Portugal on business. It was a good vacation.

FIRST JOB: Lifeguarding for the City of Anderson. Best summer job, really.

FIRST COUPLE MYSPACE FRIENDS: hmmm...probably lindsay and vinny? I started it at the beginning of the year last year...


LAST PERSON YOU HUGGED: Hmmm...I hugged a million people this weekend. I love hugs! Probably Laura/Amanda/people at Big Easy on Saturday.

LAST CAR RIDE: I drove home from Eddie Bauer yesterday after work?

LAST TIME YOU CRIED?: Oh goodness, it's been awhile...I don't know. I was pretty tearful when I found out about my neice's hospitalization, but I never actually cried...I cried at Tina and Veto's wedding though.

LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED: Watched Moulin Rouge with the roommates today.

LAST FOOD YOU ATE: McDonald's and boxed wine, best family dinner ever!

LAST ITEM BOUGHT: I bought my breakfast sandwich this morning

LAST SHIRT WORN: I'm wearing a white 3/4 sleeve v-neck tee from EB.

LAST PHONE CALL: Nicole called to get the McD's orders

LAST TEXT MESSAGE: Nicole called me a gorgeous bitch during our dinner...(the boys were texting so we decided we should too)

LAST THING YOU TOUCHED: my keyboard? yep...still touching it

LAST TIME AT THE MALL: Ummm....god only knows...

LAST TIME YOU WERE EXCITED FOR SOMETHING: I was super excited for our McDonald's labor day family dinner tonight.

LAST PERSON YOU SAW: Nicole, John, and Bobby are all chilling on the couch next to me.

LAST THING YOU DRANK: Boxed Wine...gotta love Franzia

LAST PERSON THAT BROKE YOUR HEART: Let's not talk about I don't know...I'll think about that one.

LAST TIME YOU WERE REALLY HONESTLY HAPPY? Right now, I'm happy. This weekend has been wonderfully happy.
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