Renee100282: I thought I'd share this with you. Because I love you.
Auto response from MeganMKemp: she works hard for the money...
Renee100282: Chris Schonegg: Theory is a fickle mistress.
Renee100282: she's a dirty whore.
Chris Schonegg: WHAT A BITCH.
Renee100282: lol
Renee100282: yeah. kinda like Megan.
Renee100282: only taller.
MeganMKemp: hahaha
Auto response from Renee100282: cleaning up a bit
MeganMKemp: I love it
MeganMKemp: thanks
Renee100282: no problem :-)
Renee100282: See... I'm always thinking about you!
MeganMKemp: I think about you without the insults
MeganMKemp: haha
Renee100282: oh you should so start insulting me
Renee100282: so I can feel loved too
Renee100282: wow... Chris: Chris Schonegg: Every short thing is merely a pale imitation of Megan's shortness.
Renee100282: eloquent insults are the best!
MeganMKemp: hahaha...I have the best friends!!!
Renee100282: Or... the worst.