My life is utterly unremarkable...

Dec 08, 2007 20:42

1)Where did you begin 2007?
Boston, MA

2) What was your status by Valentine's Day?
Still single.

3) Were you in school? (anytime this year)

4) How did you earn your money?
Being a legally knowledgeable office biatch.

5) Did you have to go to the hospital?
Only with other people.

6) Did you have any encounters with the police?

7) Where did you go on holidays?
Depended on the holidays, visited people for smaller holidays, and then Home in Indiana for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

8) What did you purchase that was over $1,000?

9) Did you know anybody who got married?
ummm...yes...weddings ruled my life.

10) Did you know anybody who passed away?
Not this year, thank goodness.

11) Did/Do you like someone?
Here and There...yes.

12) Did you move anywhere?

13) (Does not exist. How is there always one that doesn't exist????)
It's a mystery...apparently someone was overly frightened by the number 13. silly superstitions.

14) What concerts/shows did you go to?
Oh goodness...A LOT...I'd have to do some real thinking to complete this list...might edit this later. It was a good year (mostly summer).

15) Are you registered to vote?
Well, I was...but apparently, Indiana has lost my voter registration, so I have to do it again...losers.

16) Who did you want to win Big Brother?
No one...

17) Where do you live now?
Boston, MA

18) Describe your birthday?
It was pretty good, just dinner with a few close friends.

19) What's one thing you thought you'd never do but did in 2007?
Go to a Competitive Eating Competition -- to watch someone I know!

20) What has been your favorite moment?
Playing on the swing set with Brian was pretty spectacular (until he stopped feeling so swell).

21) Where did you go on vacation?
California Livi Time!!!!!! *sigh* I miss that woman...tons! and various weekend excursions to DC, NYC, and CT

22) Any new additions to your family?
Well, cousins have gotten married, a few cousins' was a good year.

23.) What was your favorite month?
I liked and disliked all of them for several reasons. (agreed)

24) How much have you partied?
Not as much as in my past...which is probably for the best.

25) (25 doesn't exist either)
Hmmm...where's Detective Poirot or Sherlock...they'll find it!

26) Made new friends?
Yes...and thank goodness...I love them.

27) What did you do for 4th of July?
OH YEAH!!! I BBQ'd and hung out with my house, then went to Somerville to hang out with my Cousin and her Hubby at some other friends house...then we went and watched Fireworks over the river in the was spectacular!

28) Favorite night out?
hahaha...St. Patty's was pretty good...then again, Sarah and I did find a bar in CT with $1 shots...that's pretty good too.

29) Name the instance in which you had most to drink. of our house parties, inevitably...

30) Are you in a relationship with someone you met this year?
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