Title: Ice Cream
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Harry, Draco, Snape
Genre: Friendship, humour, romance
Rating: PG-13 - just because...
Prompt: #16 - Ice Cream
Summary: On a bid to help Draco see the wonders of the Muggle world, Harry and Draco discover some wonders of their own.
Warning(s): Slash. M/M. AU.
Word Count: 3060
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry
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Comments 3
Um...bubble gum sauce?!
I've just started to get into Harry/Draco fic so I hope to write more XD
Though I feel I should put a warning - many people on fanfic.net got in a tizz about the fact Florean Fortescue ice cream place exists in Harry Potter...I didn't think it would matter so much if I pretended it didn't exist...but people didn't like that LOL
As for the existence of this ice cream place... Meh, if you needed for it to NOT exist in this fic...who cares? Was it an important place in the books? Something significant?
Anyways, I'm glad to hear there will be more to read someday! But I also wouldn't mind reading something House/Wilson centric... ;-)
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