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Comments 14

cozy_cupcake June 6 2008, 15:16:51 UTC
Ohhh where'd you take that?


bonorattle June 6 2008, 15:19:24 UTC
Click on the little green "EI" button. It'll take you to my results page. Once there, click on the PERSONALITY TEST tab up top!


coffeebits June 6 2008, 15:34:54 UTC
The shoe fits. At least in my opinion. You've been helpful when i needed you.

Off topic: Every time they play "Mysterious ways" you come to mind.


bonorattle June 6 2008, 15:46:08 UTC
You've been very helpful when I needed you

As have you!

Off topic: Every time they play "Mysterious ways" you come to mind

Is that a good thing or a bad thing? :P


coffeebits June 6 2008, 17:17:20 UTC
You're never a bad thing ;)


bonorattle June 6 2008, 18:12:49 UTC
All depends on whom you ask!


inside_scribe June 6 2008, 15:41:40 UTC
this is so cool! thanks for finding and sharing. I'm an RR - Reliable Realist - and gee whiz their RR description could have been written based on any number of times observing me! spot-on. next, let's take the IQ test. ha ha!!


bonorattle June 6 2008, 15:46:56 UTC
It's amazing the things they can deduce based on five measly questions...

IQ tests scare me. lol


inside_scribe June 6 2008, 15:56:12 UTC
I know right, IQ tests scare me too!


bonorattle June 6 2008, 15:58:34 UTC
They should make different kinds for different types of people - namely those who are good at math... and the rest of us.


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