...or my model apartment for Design Studio. It's FINALLY done after more than a week of staying all day at studio, working on it until the wee hours of the morning. I actually got back to my room at 3AM this morning, which was earlier than yesterday. Unfortunately, I completely slept through my alarm and thus the presentations (and I was called
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Comments 5
b) People shouldn't be allowed to be that talented. It makes the rest of us look/feel bad. :P
b) We're all talented in our own special way. I for one am able to well-execute 1:25 scale models of apartments. >.> You have super-amazing abilities to... um... attract stalkers?
If I had a million bajillion dollars, I would TOTALLY pay you to make that apartment for me. Because it is ridiculously awesome. I must reiterate that THIS IS THE COOLEST PROJECT EVER.
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