heY welL righT noW iS noT A verY gooD timE foR mE, likE foR thE likE pasT weeK I havE noT beeN iN thE besT mooD eveR! sO sorrY iF I havE snappeD oN yA! keviN finallY calleD mE buT haD somE baD newS wheN hE diD ... i guesS hE iS oN housE arresT anD i canT seE him ...yA woW huH? prettY upseT witH thaT holE thinG causE a loT oF mY planS goT scrudE
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woW i aM sO tireD thiS weekenD waS sO bissY! fridaY justyN madE mE geT ouT oF beD eveN thO i waS sicK, anD wE wenT dowN anD i workeD oN mY pitchinG, theN camE homE anD watcheD A moviE witH thE familY. saturdaY i wenT tO worK aT 7:00 aM theN goT ofF earlY anD wenT tO thE faiR hahA i haD sO mucH fuN!!! justyN anD michellE camE witH mE buT wE saW a
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Hey Sorry I Havnt Posted In Awhile! Well I Guess You Havn Missed Much! I Havnt Been Bissy Just Going To The Mall And The Mavies... I Havnt Been Reall Talking To Kevin Latly, We Are Kinda Drifting Apart But We Will Make It! Mmm I Miss You So Much Tyler I Cant Wait Till You Come Down And We Can Have That Long Talk On The Bach! Well I Will Post
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Hey wow i had such a bad day today! everything horrible happened that could! kevin did not come over after i told his mom he can he dosnt! which is just great, i hate fuckin school now! like i didnt use to be someone who dreads, school i might have said it cause i was having some bad days but now it is just pointless everything that we are
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your perfect guy is a punk-rocker, most likely in a band. He's got awsome talents at music, and he must have strong feelings for you, cuz guys like that are usually shy. nice catch!