Jun 17, 2005 21:24

Im so pissed, and i know Ryan is too ( Read more... )

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tiddilion June 18 2005, 03:29:32 UTC
Ok, I do know. And I do care.
What pisses me off is why can't you guys get along? I mean, she's a nice person and a good friend.

Just so you know, I didn't expect her to come. I didn't expect to see her, and I didn't expect on hanging out. What I wanted it to be was a way to say bye to my best friends.

I can see why you're mad. I can't see why Ryan's mad. I woulda still talked to him. I woulda still joked with him. I woulda still hung with him. I don't see why he got mad.

I didn't choose her over you two. I still tried to talk to both of you when they got there. So, don't give me that shit. I called Ryan's name to see if we were going to hang after eating. But, I guess he doesn't care to. I didn't even get a good-bye. From either of you. That pisses me off.

I care about you both so much, and I care about what you have to say. But for me to know what you're thinking. You need to tell me to my face. Not through some livejournal shit. Tell me, IM me, call me. Tell me what you're thinking. I care..



can_o_soup June 18 2005, 04:00:55 UTC
wow. alex, i'm sorry. i didn't mean for it to be like that. i wasn't trying to steal his attention or ruin your night. he asked if i was gonna come see him tonight and we had nothing else to do. we had just planned on stoping by and saying hey to him. i know you probably couldn't care less what i have to say, but i honestly would like us to try and be friends. i'm not trying to steal him from you guys. i care about him. probably more than you know. and i know he talks to you and tells you the bad stuff that happens, but you have to remember that there is good stuff too. i'm not trying to hurt him or mess up your friendship with him. and for what it's worth...i just wanted to say i was sorry for what happend.


boo_nig June 18 2005, 04:29:23 UTC
look, dont worry about tonight. its ok really, i know your not tyring to take him from me or anything like that, and im sure you care about him too and im sure your a great person, its just Todd means more to me than anybody, and seeing him hurt hurts me. im not trying to make you feel bad or bring anything up, just this cant work unless we both know how the other feels, ya know? Im really sorry if i was a bitch, tonight was just supposed to me a way to say bye, cause im not gonna see him for a long time. i know i should have handled it better, but i was just frustrated at the moment, and acted before i thought. im sorry for all of it, i completely take the blame, i really have nothing against you, and your right, all i do hear about is the bad. Im sure your a great person, otherwise Todd would care for you so much, i really am sorry.



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