yes on prop 8 breaks my heart. I love too many people that are going to be outright discriminated against because of this. And fuck the mormon church. they donated the most money to the yes on 8 campaign. According to the LA Times over 100,000 voters said they were swayed by that goddamn commercial with the little girl. Even the mormon church was quoted as saying that the original feel of the voters toward the proposition was "if it makes them happy and isn't hurting anyone why not let them get married?" they then set out to CHANGE THIS OPINION. I really, really, really hate them. and that idea. Leave people's personal lives alone. This totally killed my "fuck yeah we did it obama won!!!" mood.
and for all of you who probably weren't familiar with this proposition, the fact that prop 2 passed enrages me. if you look at the county by county vote, the counties that actually farm and know what this is about voted no. The ones that don't have farming as a mainstay voted yes. This is awful because it's only going to further destroy small time farming, (as small time farmers won't be able to afford the changes) and push us more towards huge farms (and often less desirable conditions for animals) and this could be put to other animals, such as (which i'm most nervous about) rabbits, which might mean our cages would not be big enough and we'd have to tear down our relatively new $6,000 state of the art cage system because people who don't understand farming practices just automatically assumed this would save all the chickens. It's not going to. The bigger farms get (as smaller farms die out thanks to needlessly expensive requirements like this) the less animals are seen as living beings and the more they are seen as a profit margin. If you want to return to a less mechanized farming system SUPPORT small time farming and avoid putting ridiculous restrictions on farmers that only large scale farms can afford. goddamn, it just pisses me off.
Gah. at least prop. 4 failed (thank god) and 1A passed (yay high speed rail!) sadly non violent drug offenders still have to go to jail, but i didn't think that'd pass anyway. Most people don't want to vote yes on something that has "easier sentencing on drug offenders" in the proposition. And hey, there's the little news that McCain was forced to suck on Obama's chocolate salty balls. And the amount of ridiculous you-just-won-the-presidency-sex Obama undoubtedly got last night also makes me happy. Although Mrs. Next First Lady was wearing a god awful outfit last night. That red panel in the front of her dress was just terrible. But aside from that, good show, Obama!
So yeah. sorry about the rant. but, you can't say i didn't warn you. I guess i should go do some work, but it's hard to justify doing my meaningless job when there's no one in the office to supervise me. On the bonus, I get paid today and we're watching Vertigo in Hitchcock, so that's good.
I'm hungry, So I'm going to go fantasize about what i'm going to eat for dinner for the next 3 hours.
All for now,