Dancers are trying to make money.
Shocker, eh?
So, yes, from time to time a girl will ask you if you'd like a dance.
If you're not interested, you merely have to say, "No thank you." Really. It's that easy.
You do not have to say, as one rude bastard did to my co-worker K, "No, and if I got a dance, it'd be with someone WAY prettier than YOU."
Jesus Christ, have some manners.
I hope the rude bastard enjoyed the fact that nobody WOULD give him a dance after that little stunt.
On the subject of rude bastards...
Thursday night, two well dressed older men came in. One of the men was quite heavy. This is relevant.
I did my set, and went on my tip round. The first guy was nice-very polite.
The second, heavier guy-
Me=*turns from the first guy to the second guy, opens mouth to say hello-*
G=You're much bigger up close! *smarmy grin*
Me=... *looks him up and down* Yeah, I know what you mean!
Me= :D
G= =/ That was sort of ignorant of me, wasn't it.
Me=A tad. Glass houses, stones, etc.
G=*tips me* Sorry.
I've addressed the music issue before-if you want to hear a song, ask a girl to dance to it. If she doesn't want to, well, you can't make her.
If you TRY to make her, you'll just piss everyone off.
Guy wanted S to dance to a certain song. She said that she wouldn't be able to. (She can no more dance to rock than I can to rap.)
During her first song, guy goes up to the DJ booth and tells the DJ to change her second song to the one he wants.
Of course, the DJ wouldn't do it. And of course, the customer got all upset. When told that he could ask another girl, the guy huffed that S should do it because he's the customer and it's what he wants.
Yeah, we had a good laugh over that.
And thanks-
To the regular who got 2 dances from me tonight, and tipped me extra on top of that-I appreciate it ^^
And to R for coming in and keeping me company during a dull night.