We were actually pretty busy when we opened yesterday-it's usually slow, then picks up after an hour or so. But at 3:30pm, we had a full bar.
Half of that full bar was most of a roofing company. That's cool-roofing is work I used to do, and most roofers/construction workers are actually pretty good customers.
So, I dance onstage. One of the guys in particular is staring like his eyes are gonna fall out of his head. Okay.
I go around for tips. We have a specific pattern to follow for going around so we don't intersect with other girls at the same customers. These guys were at about the middle of the pattern.
I get to the guy (30-40, longish hair, scruffy beard, major dental issues), and the first thing he says is, "Why did it take you so long to get here?!"
Me=I had to go to my other patrons first *smilesmile* How are you?
Guy=Good, I'm good...*tips me a dollar* I'm just here relaxing, not to be hustled, you know, I know you girls have to make money but I only brought a little and...
Me=Oh, that's fine ^^ Thank you for the tip for my stage set! *goes to move along*
Guy=*stares as I go to his co-workers, continues to stare as I complete my tip round*
Okay, I'm slightly squicked, but not too much. Just the direct unwavering staring was a bit much.
I do a couch dance or two for other customers, then go up onstage again for another set. Again, the customer is staring and whatnot. Again, I get down and go around. Again, he complains that I took too long to get to him.
By now, he's got a good amount of Dutch Courage in him.
Guy=*hands dollar to me* Here, I know that's all you want...
Me=Thanks! *smilesmile*
Guy=I mean, you look at me, you think I'm not good enough for a pretty thing like you...I'd take real good care of you though, you know...
Me=Oh, no thanks, I take awesome care of myself as it is ^^ But it's nice of you to offer.
Guy=*starts blathering randomly about, well, random shit. Mostly about how he wants to be with me.*
Me=I'm sorry hon, but I have to keep going around so I don't hold up the line.
Guy=Oh, I know, go 'head, make your money...I needta take my boss home *cocks finger at his bossman, who is plastered*, he takes care 'o me, I neeta take care o' him...
Me=Well, both of you drive safely, okay?
Guys Bossman=DDDDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMN. You have some nice titties.
Me=*laughs* Thank you ^^
Guys Bossman=I mean, I'd rub them and suck them and...
Me=*to Guy* Yeaaaaaaah, you should get him home.
So I continue my tip round.
Only to see that Guy left his bossman at his seat, and Guy is now following me around to my other customers. Not saying anything, not touching, just standing directly behind every customer I go to and staring at me.
And when I try to speak to the other customers, he pipes up with something random/stupid about how he wants to be my boyfriend.
Other customers=o_O Dude, back up.
Guy=*backs up...about half a foot*
So I excused myself from my current customer, and went up into the dressing room for about five minutes. When I came back down, Guy was gone, and I could finish my tip round undisturbed.
But wow. Creepy. Creepycreepycreepy.
And a co-workers suck, too!
Okay, manager man? We need to have a talk.
See that outside? That is -snow-. Snow is cold. The air is also cold, as is the wind that has been blowing like crazy in our part of PA all week.
As a result of this, the inside of the bar is also quite cold.
Now, stay with me here, this might get complicated for you.
The majority of your employees are walking around/dancing around in a thong, shoes, and not a whole hell of a lot else.
My point?
Oh, the heat is on, you say? That's funny, because I'm looking at the thermostat myself right now, and the fucker is right around 48 F. Which is to say, goddamned cold.
Well, SOMETHING is on, because I can feel cold air blowing on me while I'm trying to dance.
Oh, and the DJ backed me up-heat was NOT on.
No love,
The Dancer Who Jacked The Heat Up To 75F While You Weren't Looking