Tales from the Boobie Bar!

Oct 06, 2007 06:33

First up, Creepy Guy!

I know, I know, could I be a little more vague?

This is THE Creepy Guy. It's practically his name among the dancers. He's that creepy.

He comes in every weekend. He's fixated on both myself and the weekend day manager, N.

Now, remember, everything this guy says, he says while staring intensely into your eyes. It's unsettling.

Normally, after my first set, he gets dances with me. During these dances, he just stares into my eyes. And says, over and over again, "Please date me, I love you, blahblahblah." It's creepy as fuck, seriously. But it's once a week, he doesn't touch, and leaves before I do, so I deal.

Today, he asked if he could 'hold' me first. I told him no, and he snapped at me, "Well, I don't know if I want to do a dance with you now, you're being so cold!" I told him that was fine, and that he could get a dance with whoever he was comfortable with. I started to walk away, and he stops me.

"Maybe...maybe after your next round, ok? Because, you know, I like to warm up."

Then, completely apropos of nothing, he says, "Would you be happy with a guy that made $35k a year? Because that's pretty good, and that's what I make, and I could take care of you and we could have kids, you wouldn't have to dance anymore, it'd be a great change for you. I mean I like N better but she's so picky but I think she's almost warmed up to dating me and..."

whoawhoaWHOA. What? About there I blocked him out. He thinks he'd be doing me a favor by dating me? On what planet? Also, he thinks he has a chance in hell with N? What? She's nice because she has to be. I'm 'cold' because I can be.

I answered, "I'm not dating right now-besides which, I make more than you a year and can take care of myself. Besides, I love dancing-I do it because I want to, not because I have to."

Later I found out that he somehow figured out where dancer C lives :( Now she has to keep an extra eye out =/ Creeeeeeeeep.

This next one is a lot less tl;dr and comes from Supercool!DJ.

Thursday night, a customer comes up to the booth.


C=Hey man, I saw you here last week!
DJ=*works four days a week, so ok* Right...?
C=Yeah, you don't remember me? You played my song for me man!
DJ=...sorry, I see a lot of customers every day.
C=C'mon, it was a Tuesday, you don't remember?
DJ=Oh, that wasn't me. That was *other DJ*
C=Oh, well he was cool as hell, he was playing all my music man like Godsmack and Dropkick blahblah...
DJ=Yeah, Tuesday is Rock Tuesday, so we play rock all day.
C=Oh, I thought you said Rap Tuesday.


This is a customer and manager suck.

Wednesday there was quite the kerfluffle. As backstory to this: The rules used to say that a customer couldn't be warned/tossed out unless a bouncer/manager/bartender/dj SEES them break the rules. So, if someone grabbed me, and nobody saw, I was shit out of luck. After almost losing all the currently employed dancers, they changed that rule-if a dancer complains about being grabbed or disrespected, warn the customer. If they keep misbehaving, toss them. After all, the dancer has no reason to lie-customers=money.


Three guys come in Wednesday night. They were rude to A to the point that she was almost in tears, they grabbed me and a couple other girls, and were disrespectful to all the dancers. The only bouncer on that night was busy-he was running his ass off as a barback, watching couch dances, etc. Since he was busy, the next line up on the chain of command is the manager. About half a dozen of us went to her, and she claimed that the old rules still applied and that she couldn't do anything.

Quite angry, the involved girls all went in the dressing room to figure out what to do. We all wanted them gone. The GM was unavailable (can only call her before a certain time of night), we get suspended for calling the owners for any reason, and the bouncer can't act without the managers permission.

So we went down to the dj booth to see if the dj could talk some sense into the manager. Which he manages to! They both go over to the customers and tell them that this is a gentleman's club, so they are expected to behave like *gasp* gentlemen. They said they weren't doing anything wrong. The manager said that she'd gotten complaints of them grabbing and being rude, and that it would have to stop. The three of them got pissed, claimed that they should be allowed to do what they want since they're spending money, and left. Two hours after they started their fuckery.


But thanks-

To S!DJ for setting the manager straight.

To DemonPenis (nicknamed such because he has a tattoo on his arm-it's supposed to be a demon, but really just looks like a giant cock, much to his chagrin) for asking after me and wishing me well over the month I was sick.

And to the 'polite cokehead', who was kind enough to warn me that his dollars might have residue on them. I don't condone the use of cocaine, but it was just a very odd thing to tell me, on his part. Weirdly polite, and made me laugh a bit.

grabby, creepy, rude, supercool!dj, management sucks too

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