So, I get to work, and it's fairly dead. There is one male customer wandering around the bar, beer in hand, being rather loud.
I get ready, come out, and sit at the bar while I wait for my turn on stage. Generally, while I CAN drink alcohol at work, I don't (unless I'm in a champagne court for obvious reasons). Water for me.
So the guy plops himself in the bar stool next to me. "What are'ya drinkin'?"
"Water." I smile politely.
"OH." He goes back to his beer, and I go back to trying to wake up a little. (I wake up late the days I work.)
Suddenly the dude darts his head towards me and starts kissing my arm.
I jerk away, and tell him "Please don't do that."
He looks confused. "Don't do -what-?"
"Don't kiss me."
He looks indignant, now. "I'M just tryin to show respect for your BEAUTY, exCUSE me." And wanders off.
FYI-that's not respectful. Introducing himself and kissing my hand would have been fine. Telling me I was pretty or whatever would have been fine. Slobber on my arm is NOT fine.
A little while later, (after I'd washed my arm and slathered it in Purell) the bartender was running to the cold case to get some more beer, and the guy snagged her as she walked past and PICKED HER UP AND SWUNG HER AROUND. She fights her way down, and tells him he needs to leave.
He goes to leave, and the bartender follows him out, swearing a blue streak at him-tells him if he ever comes back, she is calling the police, and he can fuck off and die and oh my lord she went OFF on his ass. It was nice. She also bitched him out about not tipping anyone, which was also nice.
But yeah, dude was a dick.
Next one is another guy and my arm. I do not get the fascination with my right upper arm. It has a tattoo, but so does the left one. Anyway.
I'm standing at the bar between sets, trying to get a water after I'd done a couch dance, and I suddenly feel my arm grabbed roughly and YANKED. I yank back out of instinct and look over, and this guy is glaring at me. "I WANNA SEE YOUR TATTOO." He reaches again. I move out of range.
"You look with your eyes, not your hands," I say in a gentle manner, hoping he gets a clue.
He huffs, and stares at the tattoo. "I don't know WHY you'd get that anyway. It doesn't make any sense."
Bit my tongue, but what I wanted to say was something along the lines of how it's not meant for other people, it's meant for me. Doesn't HAVE to make sense to anyone else.
A couple minutes later the bartender asked if I'd had a problem with him, I told her what happened, and she sighed and cut him off.
This last one, I was half sure I was shit outta luck on. Two guys come in and sit near the stage. Our bar back, who started at that club the same day I did, kept going over to chat with them, so I assumed they were friends. The bar back was a decent sort of kid, so I figured he kept decent company as well.
I went around to them for my tips after dancing. The first guy tried to pull me in to him and lick my nipples. He missed on both counts, but eww all the same. I stepped back a little, and he kept motioning me forward and making licking motions with his tongue. I told him no, he got pissy-looking, and I continued to the second guy.
Second guy tips me, and then says, "So, how much for you to meet up with me later and fuck?"
"We don't do that."
He frowns. "Well, can you point me in the direction of someone who DOES?"
"No." And I walked away.
The bar back was nearby, and could tell I was a bit annoyed walking away from those guys, and asked what was up-turns out, those two guys are his bosses at his other job. Wonderful. I tell him what his bosses said and did, figuring nothing would be done since those are his bosses and all. (I'm a little cynical, so sue me =P)
They were told to leave, and did so =)