Isn't it funny how you think youre life is going okay one day and the next thing you know you meet him. This guy that totally sweeps you off your stubborn, independent feet? And it's not like an every type of crush. He gets you. He is everything you wanted. He's charming, hadnsome, sweet, and funny. So now you feel all confused and try to proctect yourself even more. He tries to pull you in and you push right back. You're not letting yourself get carried away with this one. You're heart is on the line and there's no way you are going to go through that pain again and make it through okay. But he is still there and he still want's to be with you, even after all this you're doing to him. And you just don't understand it..why you?? He could be with someone 10x better than you, but that doesn't seem to cross his mind. And all along all you seem to able to do is worry about it. This is just driving you crazy by now and you honestly don't know what to do. And it's all because you met him, nd he's just seems so perfect. And he's trying so bad just to get you...