I have my singing test (worth 40% of my grade) in a little over an hour, so rather than get dressed and practice, I decided to post about my sims. I have a new favourite family, the Pleasants (the mother in the family is great-great-granddaughter to Maxis-made Daniel Pleasant).
Lucy Pleasant was one half of my first ever set of completely identical twins. Here she is with her sister Avery, I can't remember which is which.
After ther twins had grown up, they both moved in with a gentleman called Draco Malfoy. I had noticed I had far too many females, so Draco had a series of women living with him, usually about 5 at a time. I gave him a free-will bed which allowed them to choose to have children on their own, and then left them mostly to their own devices. Draco seemed to have sinister semen, as his women folk would perish within about 5 hours of pregnancy, despite having a luxury house and several servents serving meals regularly. Draco caused 8 pregnancies, and 7 of them ended in the death of the mother within the first day. Avery had been a family sim, and she was one of them. Lucy was more practical, a romance sim. She didn't want kids, so she never chose to try for a baby, preferring the low risk 'woo-hoo' instead.
She survived about 15 days in the house, until the demise of Draco.
She then moved out on her own, but only had $3000 to her name. She bought a small block of land, and took out a $20K loan to build a modest house. She had a successful date with neighbourhood Casanova Don Lothario, which resulted in an unwanted pregnancy. However, this did benefit her somewhat. I have a child support mod in my game, so she now was receiving payments from Don which paid her bills and serviced her loan. After her son Dominic was born, she romanced her male maid, Remington, which resulted in another boy, Lewis. She then paid the local friendly neighbourhood gypsy $18, which got her a date with an extermination called Robi Charvat, which resulted in another son, Frank. Her next blind date set her back only $4, but resulted in her first daughter, Charlotte, fathered by another exterminator, Jessie Day.
She now had many support payments coming in, and her loan was almost paid off. I have decided that there needs to be a collective noun for a group of babydaddies, and I declare it to be a stipend of babydaddies.
Here they are shown here, playing with Robi's son Frank. From left: Frank, Don (Dominic's father), Remington (Lewis's father), Robi (Frank's father), and Jessie is holding his daughter Charlotte.
The attractiveness of the babydaddies decreased with each subsequent pregnancy. Jessie is hideous, but luckily did not pass on his smooshed nose to Charlotte.
[meh, I better get ready for the test, will continue this post later]
[Am back, test is over, thank god. It went okay...wasn't brilliant by any measure.]
Now where was I?
Dominic grew up to be somewhat geeky cute. Throughout his childhood, he was obsessed with purchasing things, probably due to the fact he owned no toys and shared a bed with his brother Lewis. I let him be a fortune sim.
Lewis grew into a kind of dorky teenager. With his attempted Fonzie look, I let him be a romance sim, like his mother. However at this point he has yet to even flirt with a girl (or guy, I better keep his options open). Dominic, on the other hand... I turned my back on him for just a few minutes and he was autonomously woohooing with the neighbour girl, Delilah. I hadn't realised I had teen woohoo enabled on his mother's autonomous bed. Oops. It's quite disturbing, really. The transition from child to teen is very sudden. One day they are blowing bubbles and playing with their dollhouse and then later that same day (past 6 pm) they are shagging at will! There should really be a preteen stage. They can be whiney and moody and steal their older sister's makeup and sing bland pop tunes.
This is Frank. He is somewhat unloved. He is the only child with a negative relationship with his father (due to catching him in bed with fellow babydaddy Jessie Day, during one of their custodial visits), and he isn't close to any of his siblings. He doesn't seem to be very bright. Whenever he needs something: sleep, shower, toilet, etc; he doesn't do it himself, he just whines and implores me, his God, to direct him. (That's Lucy with him, Charlotte was a late-in-life baby so Lucy became an elder the day after her birth).
Charlotte got off easy considering how much of an ugmo her father is. Considering her outfit, I tried giving her goth makeup but it just didn't suit her. Maybe when she's a teen I will let her release her inner emo. She has only just become a child so I haven't seen much of her personality yet.
Lewis and Dominic have developed a rather disturbing habit of lying naked together on their mother's bed. Get off that bed boys, your mother needs it for when visitors stop by!
So where to now for the Pleasants? Well, usually this is point in the game where I get bored and switch families, but I like these guys for some reason. Maybe I'll let Lewis bulk up and woo (and woohoo) the neighbourhood girls. Maybe I will ship the kids off to live with one of the babydaddies before Lucy shuffles off the mortal coil.
But for now I think I will get souvlaki to celebrate the survival of an incident of public singing!