Again thanks to Alisha for keeping me entertained. This is a nice long one too!!! It seems that some of the questions are geared towards the female gender, but I guess I'll just make it up as I go along.
Name: Eric Vanater
Sex: Male
Screen Name: Booger6999
Meaning: Doesn't really mean anything, it's just a nickname.
Pets: RIP my deceased pet rat Weez
Height: 6' 3"
Hair Color: Kind of a light brown
Eye Color: Brown
Writing Hand: Left
Nervous Habits: I tend to bite my nails a lot, that's about all I can think of
Do you bite your nails? Yeah I just said that.
Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? I only have one eyebrow, does that count?
Can you blow smoke rings? Every now and then I'll get lucky and one will randomly come out
Can you blow spit bubbles? Uh huh.
Can you flare your nostrils? Never's hard to look at your own nose to practice it.
Can you cross your eyes? Yeah...I can also move one eye back and forth...kinda creepy.
Tattoos? None aunt promised me one for my 18th birthday, I'll be 21 in a month :-(
Piercing? Nope
Do you make your bed daily? I don't think I even remember how....
What goes on first, bra or underwear? Oh I always put my bra on first.
Which shoe goes on first? I generally put them both on at once
Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone? I'm sure at some point
What jewelry do you wear 24/7? I own no jewelry except my watch.
What's sexiest on a guy? I'll change this question to what's sexiest on a Girl...and for that, I would have no answer. For every girl it's different...some girls have magnificent eyes, some girls I just like the way they do their hair, some have a great voice, and tons of other things...of course...if you have a combination of these things, then you are fucking amazing in my eyes :-)
Favorite Piece of Clothing: My "I See Dumb People" shirt
Pajamas: Old ratty shorts and whatever t-shirt I was wearing that day.
Do you wind your spaghetti or cut it? I guess you could call it winding...
Have you ever eaten Spam? Once, at one of CJ's "Loser Parties"....such sad days those were....
Favorite Ice Cream? Moose Tracks
How many cereals in your cabinet? A bunch of shit that I don't like.
What's your favorite beverage? Wild Cherry Pepsi
What's your favorite restaurant? Nite Trax
What utensils do you use to eat pizza? My hands
How often do you brush your teeth? Once when I wake up in the morning
How often do you shower/bathe? Usually once a day, twice if I get a haircut or get dirty or if I've just been awake so damn long that it's actually 2 days.
How long does your shower last? I can be quick if I have to be, but I don't like to be. The shower soothes me. It goes anywhere from 3 minutes to 40.
Hair drying method? I have no hair...I wipe it off with a towel and 2 minutes later it will be completely dry.
Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair? Nope
If that fountain of youth existed, would you drink it? I don't think would get boring after so many years.
Would you rather have genital herpes or be 50 lbs. overweight? Whatever happened to just a good old fashioned cold??
Do you swear? Fuck, like I need to fucking answer that.
Do you ever spit? Quite often, for no reason. Perhaps that should have been put in the "nervous habits" section.
Animal: Monkeys
Food: Hot Wings
Month:'s spring, I get my tax return, and my bonus check from work.
Day: As of now it's Saturday and Sunday because those are my days off from work.
Cartoon: Beavis and Butthead, The Simpsons
Flower: Don't like flowers much myself, but they seem to make the girls happy, so it's helpful to have somewhat of a knowledge of them.
Shoe Brand: Faded Glory. You can generally get a good pair at Wal-Mart for 20 bux or less, they're comfortable as hell, and they last forever.
Subject in school: Study Hall (all 5 of them I had my senior year)
Color: Black or purple
Body part on the opposite sex: As I said before, it could be any number of things. I appreciate all good things about women, and they are all different in different areas.
TV show: The Simpsons
Movie: Friday
Holiday: Most people would say Christmas, but I fucking hate Christmas. I like New Year's Eve, cuz for one, it means Christmas is over, and for two, it's one day a year you don't need an excuse to get completely totally fucking bombed.
Book: That would be a tough one...right now I'd have to say "Firestarter" by Steven King
Vacationing Spot: Phoenix, LA, Vegas, Canada, pretty much anywhere out of New Castle.
Thing to do in spring: Wash my car
Thing To Do In The summer: Just be out with my friends doing things.
Thing To Do In The fall: Spend a lot of time outside enjoying the last little bits of nice weather as much as possible
Thing To Do In The winter: Work my ass off to save money so I can slack in the summer.
Perfume or Cologne: I wear that Old Spice deodorant in high volumes, and most people think that I'm wearing cologne, when I'm really not. Hey, it works for me.
TV Station: HBO
The CD Player: Antwan's new CD
Person you talk most on the phone with: I don't talk on the phone much...if I had to guess I'd say probably Rochelle
Ever taken a cab? Nope
Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors? For some reason, I do, always, even though I don't really give a shit.
What color is your bedroom? stepmom refuses to let me paint it black like I want
Do you use an alarm clock? I try, it rarely wakes me up on it's own though. I need a combination of things, like the alarm going off, the phone ringing, my instant messenger going off, and my dad yelling at me, all at once, to wake me up.
Name one thing you are obsessed with: Girls, girls, girls
Have you ever skinny-dipped with the opposite sex? Nope...not yet.
Ever sunbathed nude? I don't think I've ever sunbathed....
Window seat or aisle? Window...I have to see where the fuck I'm going
What's your sleeping position? Curled up in a little corner of my bed.
What kind of bed do you like? Any one but my's old and deformed and I hate it...most times I'd rather sleep on the couch.
Even in hot weather do you use a blanket? I never start out that way, but somehow when I wake up it's always there.
Do you snore? I don't think so, nobody's ever told me I have.
Do you sleepwalk? Haven't done it for a while, but I used to have some real adventures in my sleep when I was younger
Do you talk in your sleep? Talk, scream, yell, curse...yeah
Do you sleep with a stuffed animals? Nope
How about with the light on? I sleep in the daytime...the sun is my light
Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on? If I'm on the couch the TV is on, otherwise no
Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi
Oranges or apples? Oranges
One pillow or two? Two
Deaf or blind? Either one would suck ass...if I was blind I couldn't appreciate beautiful women, if I was deaf I couldn't appreciate heavy metal...either way it's a no-win situation.
Pools or hot tubs? Hot tubs, with a girl, of course.
Blondes or brunettes? Don't care...
Tall or short? As long as she isn't taller than me I don't care
TV or radio? CD's....I hate everything they play on the radio
Tic-Tacs or Certs? Tic Tacs
Snooze button or jump out of bed? Snooze button, for like 4 hours at a time.
Sunrise or Sunset? Sunset...I'm a night owl...
Hamburger or Cheeseburger? Hamburger
Morning or night? I am so much a night person...the sun scares me...I try not to go out in daylight
Bikini or one-piece? You won't catch me in no fucking bikini, but on a girl, hell yeah!!
Indoors or outdoors? Depends...outdoors if it's nice out
Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? I fucking hate Christmas
Cake or ice cream? ice cream cake (yeah, Alisha knows what's good)
Bert or Ernie? Bert and Ernie are fags
Spicy or Mild? Spicy
Spearmint or Peppermint? They both taste the same to me..
Call or Write? If it's local, call, otherwise, write.
Peanut Butter or Jelly? Both
Hamburger or Hot Dog? Hamburger
Dog or Cat? Cat
Bath or shower? Shower...I just can't see sitting in a pool of my own filth.
Book or Movie? Depends on my mood
Green or Red apples? Green
Rain or Snow? Rain...thunderstorms are fucking awesome!!! And besides, I hate the snow. It makes it cold and it makes my car slide everywhere.