(no subject)

Sep 16, 2004 13:46


+your name: Amber
+ your gender: Female
+ age: almost 18.
+ height: 5'4"
+ hair colour: dark blonde and reddishpinkishpurplefuchsia
+ eye colour: brown
+ your location: south florida
+ fears: lobsters, the dark, shadowpeople


+ peed your pants? not that I can remember
+ cheated on someone? nah
+ fallen off the bed? numerout times
+ fallen for a relative? no.
+ had plastic surgery? ha, no.
+ broken someone`s heart? not that I know of.
+ had your heart broken? perhaps.
+ had a dream come true? no
+ done something you regret? mm hmm.
+ cheated on a test? yes
+ been raped? No
+ broken a body part? the radius and ulna in my left wrist, almost both ankles (though moreso my right), possibly my right pinky toe


+ wearing - khaki shorts, t-shirt from colorado
+ listening to - Aphex Twin - Ziggomatic 17
+ chewing - nothing
+ feeling - tired, asthmatic, annoyed, bored
+ reading - fight club
+ located - living room
+ chatting with - Sonya, Jessi
+ watching - nothing
+ should REALLY be - doing astronomy homework


+ brush your teeth? ... yeah.
+ like anybody? I dunno about that.
+ have any piercings? left eyebrow, ears
+ drive? Illegally.
+ believe in Santa Claus? not anymore.
+ ever get off the computer? perhaps.


Okay, so.. section 5, I've been told is missing in action. *shrugs* Onward... (what the?)


+ kissed - Alien
+ IMed - sonya
+ talked to on the phone -ashley's voicemail
+ yelled at - bad kitties
+ fell in love with - neh.
+ tripped - iunno.
+ turned down - uh...


+ What do you want to be when you grow up? - theatre tech/sm... high school english/drama teacher... sociologist/psychologist (yeah right)
+ What was the worst day of your life? - I've had many bad days.
+ What is your most embarrassing story? - Maybe when I walked into the wrong class and sat down and started apolgizing to the teacher for being late... the bell didn't ring yet.
+ What has been the best day of your life? - I've had a few of those, maybe.
+ What comes first in your life? - "My future"? O_o ... Yeah, I love my friends and family... I need to reogranize my priorities.
+ Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush? - mm, no.
+ If you had an extra set of eyes were would you put them? Iunno.
+ What do you usually think about before you go to bed? Trying to sleep.


+ Movie: know what, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind comes out on video the day after my birthday.
+ Song: I like many.
+ Group: This changes often, but I've been listening to a LOT of Aphex Twin lately.
+ Store: Bookstores
+ Relative: alive: my mom. un-alive: my uncle carl
+ Sport: Softball, baseball, gymnastics... I respect many other competitive athletes/sports..
+ Vacation Spot: Boulder, Colorado
+ Ice Cream Flavor: Anything with Chocolate... and strawberry, too
+ Fruit: strawberry, watermelon, banana!, peaches... lots.
+ Candy: depends on my mood
+ Holiday: New Year and Halloween
+ Day of the Week: depends on what's going on
+ Color: Purple, black, blue... indigo?
+ Magazine: iunno, catalogues for softball equipment
+ Name for a Girl:
+ Name for a Boy:

SECTION 9 [ DO YOU . . .]

+ Like to give hugs? - sure
+ Like to walk in the rain? - yeh
+ Sleep with or without clothes on? - hmm.
+ Prefer black or blue pens? - blue, mostly
+ Dress up on Halloween? - maybe
+ Have a job? - nah
+ Like to travel? - yes
+ Like someone? - I dunno man
+ Sleep on your side, tummy or back? - usually on my right side or on my stomach facing either way
+ Want to marry? - I guess?
+ Have a goldfish? - used to
+ Ever have the falling dream? - ha, I had a dream where I was skydiving or jumping out of a plane or something and my parachute wouldn't open. I think I died.
+ Have stuffed animals? - Yay! Sockmonkey!
+ Go on vacation? - nationals = vacation


+ Abortion: that's a toughie
+ Bill Clinton: yeah, he was alright, I guess.
+ Eating Disorders: nicht haben.
+ Suicide: blah.
+ Summer: great, usually.
+ Tattoos: *want*
+ Piercings: yessssss
+ Make-up: well, I don't wear it. But whatever.
+ Drinking: bad children.
+ Guys: fun to be around
+ Girls: confusing as fuuuuuuuuck


+ Pierced nose or tongue? - tongues are cool.
+ Be serious or funny? - each has it's "place and time"
+ Single or taken? - *shrug*
+ Simple or Complicated? - chaos theory!
+ Law or anarchy? - okay. This would require more time than I have right now.
+ MTV or BET? - yeah, fuse is cool.
+ 7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek? - ha, no.
+ Sugar or salt? - depends on my mood
+ Silver or gold? - silver?
+ Tongue or belly button ring? - tongue
+ Chocolate or flowers? - *shrug*
+ Angels or miracles? - uhm.
+ Color or Black-and-white photos? - black and white, unless it's special
+ Sunrise or sunset? - set, though I've seen some nice sunrises
+ M&M's or Skittles? - peanut butter m&ms
+ Rap or Rock? - rock, mostly.
+ Stay up late or sleep in? - yes.
+ TV or radio? - Radio.
+ Hot or cold? - mostly, cold.
+ Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter? - O_o
+ Sun or moon? - Moon
+ Diamond or Ruby? - uh. sapphire.
+ Left or Right? - left
+ 10 acquaintances or one best friend? - best friend
+ Vanilla or chocolate? - chocolate
+ Kids or no kids? - kids bother me, unless they're cool.
+ Cat or dog? - kitty
+ Half-empty or Half-full? - depends on whether something was take out of it or put into it last.
+ Mustard or ketchup? - depends on what I'm eating it with
+ Newspaper or Magazine? - materials of propaganda
+ Spring or Fall? - autumn.
+ Give or receive? - it's all sort of the same anyway.
+ Rain or snow? - wow! I like rain. But snow is... COLD! and up in colorado, it's snow in July so... I've never SEEN it snow. But hmm.
+ Lace or satin? - neh.
+ A year of hot sex or a lifetime of friendship? - friendship.
+ Happy or sad? Happy.
+ Corduroy or plaid? - depends.
+ Wonder or amazement? - wonder, I guess.
+ sneakers or sandals? - depends on what I'm doing.
+ McDonald's or Burger King? - no. but burger king, if I must.
+ Mexican or Italian food? - man, there's mexican food and chinese places EVERYWHERE in cal. And the Italian place in Pearl Street Mall is THE BEST.
+ Lights on or off? - blue.
+ Duct tape or scotch tape? - Duct tape is wow.
+ Candy or soda? - candy.
+ A house in the woods or the city? - woods, for a while.
+ Pepsi or Coke? - gatorade.
+ Nike or ADIDAS? - adidas.
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