Title: New hairstyle
Pairing: Onkey
Rating: G
Genre: Fluff, Romance <33
Disclaimer: nope, the boys are not mine yet
Summary: Kibum couldn't get over his new hairstyle
Warning: un-beta-ed. English isn't my first language.
Key was looking at himself in the mirror. He’d been trying to make this new hairstyle work for him…. (or at least trying to accept it like the obedient idol he was, because anything the stylists and cordi noonas said was an order he had to fulfill willingly or not) but nothing worked. He just couldn’t get over the fact that HALF OF HIS HEAD was hairless.
He wanted to cry, and soon some little tears started to fill his eyes. ‘No, Kibum, get a hold of yourself! You’re the all mighty Key, after all' he said slapping lighty his own cheeks '….gaaahh! who am I trying to fool? This looks horrible! Not even the heaviest layer of makeup can make this look better!’ Kibum sniffed and hid his face in his arms to finally give up in his sobbing.
Suddenly, the door to the room swung open letting the shinning leader in. Kibum quickly cleaned his face and tried to look as if nothing had jus happened.
“Hey…Kibummie, you okay?”
“Of course I’m okay! Who do you think you’re talking to?”
“……..” Jinki gave him that look that always made him break down and open his heart to him and that he just couldn’t resist, it was no different this time.
“No.No…it’s not okay, I’M not okay.” And he broke in tears again. “Have you seen my hair?? It looks hideous! I can’t look at my own reflex without wanting to break in tears and break in million tiny pieces that stupid mirror! It’s just that….AHHH…hyung how I am supposed to make our fans like our new concept when I’m not even feeling it myself?”
“Shhh….Kibum, first of all you have to calm down, okay?” said Jinki cupping the younger cheeks and wiping the tears with his thumbs before pressing his forehead with the other’s “You look the best when you smile, so please do it for me. Besides, you look as beautiful as or even more stunning than ever! If it’s your hair the thing you miss, don’t worry, it’ll grow back. But please don’t cry anymore”
“Hyung, you don’t have to lie to me, we both know that this ‘thing’ in my head can’t be called hair”
“I’m not, Kibummie. I never do, at least not to you. Nothing can make you look less beautiful. So now just give me that breath-taking smile of yours that always makes my day better” said Jinki before giving a very sweet kiss to his lover
A small chuckle escaped from the rapper lips. Jinki was exactly what he needed. Now he was sure he was definitely going to be able to work his new hairstyle out.
a/n: first of all...i'm really sorry about the lame ending...didn't know how to properly end it.
....i'm not sure about Key's new hair...he looks firce and hot and i think i like it...but i'm confused....
Anyways! i'm really looking forward to their comeback! *A*)9 SHINee Hwaiting!!