Title: Expect the Unexpected
Rating: G
Pairing: OnKey
Genre: Romace ,Fluuff <33
Disclaimer: last time i checked they didn't belong to me
Warning: un-beta-ed. English is not my first language.
Summary: Jinki never expected for such a thing to ever step into his life.
“You know, Kibummie, you are the most unexpected thing that has ever happen to me…” said Jinki to his lover, looking to the stars above them with a happy smile along his face.
They were laying side by side at the rooftop, enjoying the only time they have free to do whatever they liked, their bodies exhausted from the earlier schedule, the other members already fast asleep, oblivious to the love scene that was currently happening with their other two band mates.
Lee Jinki knew what he was going for when he first started inr SM, he knew how he might have to overwork himself, he knew that he will meet and then be teamed up with other boys who’ll share the same dream as him, become his best friends and then be part of his family. He knew that with these boys, he’ll endure the lack of sleep, enjoy the laughs and that in them he’ll find comfort and some shoulders to cry on when he felt that the world was coming down and that then will help him stand up and continue with his dream. He knew and expected this all too well, But he never expect to find a soul mate.
He never expected to be teamed up with the most beautiful boy that has ever step a foot on the earth, in fact, he never expect to meet Kim Kibum. His only name was the sole description of perfection. His face, his cute pouty lips, his beautiful cat-like eyes, his slim figure, even his voice, which was practically the voice of an angel, was pure perfection. Jinki was sure that the boy was one of God’s finest works of art -if not the finest of all-, and he couldn’t understand why his heart started pounding in an uneven and strong way every time the younger boy directed a sweet smile towards him.
(I’ve never felt this way before.)
He didn’t see it coming when he found himself thinking about the pretty boy day and night, nor did he ever saw himself falling for him and, definitely, he didn’t expect the younger to return his feelings, but when he felt their lips together, meeting for the first time in the most tender and loving kiss ever, he knew everything was possible, even things you expect the less.
Jinki turned to his side to face his lover; the younger had the cutest little pout ever on his lips, “…but, you are also, by far, the most beautiful thing that has ever made his way into my heart”
A bright shade of red crept onto Kibum’s cheeks, Jinki closed the space between their lips, Kibum cupped his face with his hands and then…a kiss. Shooting stars were dancing magically above them, waiting for people to wish upon them, longing for another love story. Their hearts, beating erratically but beautifully at the same peace, melting in one as the kiss got deeper.
a/n: the lack of onkey this past days is making me craaazy!D: and extremely sad!! so i decided to post some onkey to brithen people's day! :DD
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