Everyone always talks about how they get sad after Christmas is over. I usually agree because I get the same way. But I've never really sat down and thought about why until this year.
I think it has something to do with the abrupt note that everything seems to end on.
When you think about it, the holiday season begins the day after Halloween (sometimes earlier; BJ's had their Christmas stuff stocked in September). It spends two months building up in a slow, majestic crecendo of family, friends, love and good cheer that culminates on Christmas Eve and continues for the next 24 hours. And then, whammo! It's over. Everything goes back to the way it was, the hustle and the bustle reverts to normal and people start treating each other like crap again.
If you're lucky there is somewhat of a "holiday stay of execution" until New Year's Day and then there is nothing but a bleak winter to look forward to until the Spring comes. Unless, of course, you live in Tampa and then you can look forward to Gasparilla ;)
One of the main reasons why I'm thinking about this more than normal is this:
I had an incredble Christmas with my family. In the last 5 years, I've only been up to Connecticut to spend the holidays with my family once. At the time I was having a lot of problems with my dog and I was so worried, all I wanted to do was get home. So I didn't really take the time to enjoy it.
But this year I just drank it all in. We had something going on every night of the week that I was up there and each day was spent with different family members or old friends. I have such an amazing family and I had such a great time when I was up there that I found myself a little sadder than usual when it was all over and Dad drove me to the airport on Thursday. This was compounded when I got back to my house and went to throw out some trash and saw Christmas Trees already in the dumpster. On December 27th?
That abrupt ending rears its head again...
To that end I've spent all day today just appreciating the holidays. It's cloudy and cool out which always makes it feel more like the holidays so apparently the weather has decided to lend some support for my endevour. I decided to forego all my Sunday morning errands and chores and I've just been chilling out, Christmas tree ablaze, holiday music playing loudly and Emmet Otter's Jugband Christmas on the TV in the background.
Because Christmas isn't over until the Boogieman says it is damnit...