series - coupling dabbles

Nov 20, 2010 03:41

A loong while ago, I wanted to write a series of heterosexual dabbles about supernatural couples. The rules I applied to it was that there had to be a female human and male creature. Decided to post them up here.

The stories will be posted out of order and may in the future contain art if I decide to draw any.
#.) Pairing - TITLE
    character name - gender - hair - eyes
    character name - gender- hair - eyes
i-iv. are key points in the plot. From beginning to end. doesn't effect the number of dabbles in the story

1.) Angel & Mortal - HYDRAGYRUM
    Cygnus - male - white, extremely long- pale blue
    Dinah - female - blonde with black-tipped, short - hazel,blue/green
i.Girl gets into accident and meets her guardian angel. Falls in love with angel.
ii.They spend several nights together.
iii.They go to a cousin’s wedding and he cannot touch her.
iv.For when it comes...and it came.

2.) Fey & Mortal - EMERALD FLOWER
    Aetos - male - silver, long and shaggy - black were there is white in a human eye w/ light green eye color with a ring of gold around it. No iris.
    Abernathy - female - light red, longish - dark blue
i.Abernathy gets tricked by supposed friend into going to a ‘outdoor party’, really Aetos’ coronation. Winds up in his room. Charms by her singing.
ii.Abernathy finds herself being involved with someone she thinks she knows yet isn’t sure. Aetos’ disguises himself as a mortal to be near Abernathy.
iii.Aetos is brainwashed into forgetting Abernathy and her singing.
iv.Abernathy adapts to a prosthetic leg as Aetos’ adapts to a different world.

3.) Selkie & Human - FOOL’S JOCASTA
    Njorth - male - light blue mixed with black, grays, and sea colors, very long - pure black like a seal.
    Marisol - female - black-n-brown, comes to waist - brown
i.While she out painting the ocean, Marisol captures a beautiful white seal in her art. When she tries to get closer and it runs away behind rocks, she finds a naked man.
ii.Njorth adapts to a more human life as Marisol figures out what he is
iii.Njorth’s brother comes and almost kills Marisol. Ends with the brother’s death.

4.) Jekyll/Hyde & Normal Person - HERCULIAN FRAUD
    Galileo - male - black, shoulder length - green, turns red
    Symphony - female - plati.blonde w/ blonde & various colors in it - grey
i.Symphony encounters Galileo after leaving her recent crash site.
ii.Galileo’s fiancée walks in and misunderstood them and their relationships. Galileo tries his experiments.
iii.While out on the town Symphony encounters Leo whom reminds her of a more hostile Galileo. Baddy bad things happen.

5.) Vampire & Human - BITTER CHOCOLATE
    Saphir - male - dark red, slightly wavy/messy, long near his knees - dark purplish blue
    Sonya - female - dirty brown blonde, slick and long - light green eyes

emerald flower, bitter chocolate, coupling, dabbles, fools jocasta, series, hydragyrum, herculian fraud

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