16 17
12 5 13
14 15
8 4 9
10 11
6 7
1) Her self image, how she views herself.
2) Her personality in the Maiden aspect (qualities that are still growing, what she is unaware of, what she has yet to become. The sparks that are there, seeds of potential within her.)
3) Her personality in the Mother aspect (qualities at their fullest, what she excels at, what she creates in her life.)
4) Her personality in the Crone aspect (qualities that are waning, aspects she is moving away from after this transition.)
5) Her personality in the Whore aspect (her Dark self, qualities not acknowledged by others or herself, her most powerful/potent aspects and what she fears about herself.)
6 & 7) How she copes with change and transition.
8 & 9) How this change will affect her life.
10 & 11) What she now needs to cut away, what she has outgrown.
12 & 13) What she now needs to learn.
14 & 15) What defines her as a woman.
16 & 17) Blessings and advice to her from Goddess/God (Divine, Source, Universe)
This spread is unique and beautiful. It's designed by kiama from Aeclectic Tarot and I love the premise, a spread to mark the magical time of a girl becoming a woman. I'm hoping to do this spread for my daughter when this time comes )O(