Wheel Of The Year Spread

Oct 04, 2009 12:21

13               14                15

10                11              12                                    16                17                18

7            8            9                   25                26                  27             19            20             21

4                  5                 6                                      22                23                24

1                   2                   3

1, 2 & 3) Yule/Midwinter Solstice.
Indicate that which will be born into your life during the year, new beginnings and projects or sudden birth of ideas, feelings and aspects of self.

4, 5 & 6) Imbolc.
Indicates what will begin to grow in your life, the first seeds that will grow through the year.

7, 8 & 9) Ostara/Spring Equinox.
What will come into balance through this year, keep you in balance and move you towards your goal.

10, 11 & 12) Beltane.
Indicates the passions coming into play in your life and how your life will grow as a result-what you will love most this year, what will 'fertilize' your life and make you grow physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually.

13, 14 & 15) Litha/Summer Solstice.
The peak of your projects/events/ideas during this year, you at your best.  Also indicates the best part of the year, the achievements and full fruition of plans.

16, 17 & 18) Lughnasa.
The harvest cards, what will begin to bear fruit (but not fully ready) and indicates the projects or aspects of your life where you can begin to see the results of your hard work.  Rewards are starting to show.

19, 20 & 21) Mabon/Autumn Equinox.
Full harvest and time of balance-representing bounty and joy and what will be bounteous in your life in the coming year-what will be a cause of celebration.  Can indicate the full rewards you will reap from past ventures/work.

22, 23 & 24) Samhain.
What will die in your life, what will come to an end, what you will cull from your life.  That which is no longer necessary.

25, 26 & 27) Blessings.
Further advice for you, what is on your side, helping or keeping you going.

This is a seriously fantastic spread as an overview of the coming year-not chronological but metaphorical.  I like to use it at Samhain, the celtic new year.  It's designed by Kim Huggins, link to site here.

designed by kim huggins, personal, introspective, year forecast, wheel of the year spread, sabbat, general

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