1. Be nicer to myself, and more selfish.
Eeeeeh still working on this one.
2. Work seriously on my novels in progress and other works intended for publication.
I actually did! Not... as much as I could have, but I did do this.
3. Write at least 250 words a day.
...moving on.
4. Work with financial and cleaning up parts of being a grownup.
I did do this! The cleaning up parts in particular I have been working on. This year: BUDGET.
5. Be more appreciative of people.
Yes, I think so. I've tried to compliment people every day, at least, and I've tried to thank people for things they've done.
1. Be nicer to myself, and more selfish.
2. Finish or revise one novel for publication, and submit one short story for publication.
3. Write at least 250 words every day, and keep up with my book reviews: maybe try to have a review up within a week of finishing the book? Thoughts?
4. Record all income and outgo. If this goes well, start budgeting in June.
5. Either mend or throw out everything in my mending pile.
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