3 out of 4 major awards!!!
- Most Original
- Most Creative
- Most Outstanding
OMG OMG OMG.. this is so cool.
Will edit post later for the pics. I'm still transferring them. I'll put up the vid when Dremon or Eve gets around to uploading it! ^_______^
GO BATCH 2009!!! =D
EDIT: behind this post lies pics of ginormous proportions. ^_^
Me, Nikka and Joanna
Masked Me and Nikka
The Finale - Say (All I Need) A capella [ i sang with JJ, Myk |no not my mike|, Jonas and Gia]
[that mike, Neng at the Box, Me then gia in Pic # 2. ^_^
Cathy, Joyce, Lynj, Louie, Me and NIkka (in front). [i look weird in this one]
The Awesome Foursome. [venus, nikka, me and louie]
Me and Dokie! [we look cute. lol.]
In costume - With and without teh hood =D
Having Dinner at Red Ribbon. I love teh Cakessss *drools*
I look weird. lol. prolly cuz the arm of the chair was blocking my way. lol. xD but i love him ^_^
THE pic. =p [i make him giggle. lol. i like kissing him, is that wrong? =p]
so there ya go!
more pics at my multiply just clickie this
--> linkie <--.
alright, im out. good night =D
EDIT: Here are the links for the vids: And btw, at the Say part, there were dancers and people doing hand gestures at the sides. I sang as well, you just can't hear me well. lol.
Here's Part I
http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=5D5_W5Bq9rsand Part II
http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=JdxRz9fDroY