Size Queen

Oct 25, 2006 22:49

Some of you are aware that I haven't actually watched broadcast TV in years. I've always *owned* a TV (just a little one, probably 19") but just never bother to hook it up for network or cable reception. Instead, I watch movies and collections of series folks have recommended (which I like to o.d. on, finishing the entire season over the course of a few days). Most of the days, however, the TV stays off.

My parents, in contrast, have TV running at all hours of the day and night, and buy the most obnoxiously large boob tube they can afford every few years. The official reason is that my father is hard of hearing and has limited vision, so a larger screen makes for easier viewing. The unofficial reason involves his childlike love of gadgets and electronic toys. You should have seen him when he first got TiVo!

So, after their latest purchase they offered to hand down the old one to yours truly. I figured, what the hell... at the very least it'll take up some of the empty wall space in the front room, right? Well, I was not prepared for the utter siren call of a screen 4 times the size I was used to. I can't stop watching it! I was even pondering signing up for cable the other night! It's like it's calling to me... "Yoooo hoooo! Turn me on! I make pretty pictures! It's a waste not to use me!"

In summation: my eyeballs are probably going to fall out. But in the mean time I'ma watch me some big-ass TV. Tonight's movie selection: Rashomon.
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