Something Worth Fighting For: Part 1 - Breakdown

Jun 20, 2009 17:30

Blah. This episode left me a little underwhelmed, possibly due to its Kate Quotient being very high and its Robin & Guy Comedy Hour Quotient dipping very low. Also, not to be a spoilsport or anything, but . . . You Know What was lame and completely unfair to one of the show's best characters.

They wasted so much time on Kate and her stupid mother, when we could have been giving Allan a decent sendoff. This is a case where I think writing and filming an entire season before having any audience feedback bites you in your leather-clad butt--perhaps if they had seen the audience's lukewarm response to Kate, we would have avoided the travesty that was Robin/Kate and not wasted so much time on her . . . I was going to say character development, but then I started to giggle.

But here I go wasting discussion before we even get to the point section of the post. SO HERE GOES:

The Good:

+++Where did Isabella find this awesome gravely-voiced guard? She earns one point (+1) for taking the task of choosing League of Evil henchmen seriously. Every time he's off screen he's eating rocks.

+++Archer wins five points (+5), a puppy, and my eternal devotion for saying "Robin Hood's a nut!"

+++HA! Even though Robin should probably be more suspicious of Kate's mother's sneaky surprise hug, I kind of love how weirdly pleased he is by it. He would be a hugger. Enemies should take note of this; if you want to defeat Robin Hood just hug him. He will be THRILLED. Plus one (+1).

+++Hey! Archer goes to The Trip Inn to meet this guy! One point (+1) for a POTC/Robin Hood crossover! I guess this is where Bootstrap Bill ended up after he escaped Davy Jones, lost the barnacles, and traveled back in time. I would do it to for a chance to go to The Trip Inn. Do you know how many drunken puns I could make in that place? A lot.

+++Three points (+3) to the writers for not giving into the temptation to make Guy all cuddly and humanitarian now that he's with the outlaws. I like that his primary motivation is revenge, and what's more, that he's up front about it.

+++Robin earns one point (+1) for his non-answer when Kate asks him to say that he needs her more than her family does. Because if we've learned anything from his post-Marian behavior, he doesn't really need anyone. Not that that's a bad thing, but it is one of the reasons that I think being in a relationship with him would be so incredibly annoying. Right now, if Kate/Robin lasts past the finale, I think that she's going to be utterly miserable.

+++Two points (+2) to Puppet Master Isabella for her proclamation pardoning Allan, which is a pretty savvy way to create dissension from afar. See what happens when you are clever and not crazy crazy? Points.

+++How much do I love that Allan says "You believe me Guy" in a last-ditch effort to find some support for his side of things? A LOT. Three points (+3) for confirming that they were secret lovers BFF before Allan had to go save his friends and whatnot.  Guy gets another two points (+2) for smirking in the background when everyone starts to squabble. I really want people to write "Guy The Outlaw" fic where they try to get him to sing kumbaya and do trust exercises.

+++Isabella is rocking that pinned-up skirt. Plus one (+1).

+++HA! I love how uncomfortable Guy looks when the rest of the outlaws are doing their group hug, and so Richard Armitage wins three points (+3), especially because of his "OMG, WHY IS IT NOT OVER?" sigh when they go in for a hug swap. Oh, someone hug him already. It's possible he will try to stab you out of surprise, but you might never see the glorious man again. Take a chance.

+++Two points (+2) to Allan for his final, awesome double-sworded swordfight. Sniff.

+++Tuck wants to be an inspirational speaker SO BAD. Just give him Powerpoint and a laser pointer already. I feel a little sorry for David Harewood because his character has turned out to be so lame, so I am giving him one point (+1) for rocking his speech on the bridge.

+++Um, Archer's secret ninja skills kind of fill me with glee. I have to be true to myself! Plus one (+1).

+++As morbid as this is, I'm giving Vasey one point (+1) for delivering Allan's body to the castle, because that's just the twisted villain we remember. NOW I WANT ALL OF YOU TO FEEL REALLY BAD. Also, it was kind of good to see Vasey back. Plus one more (+1).

+++Okay, even though this episode was a bit underwhelming, I have to admit that I'm kind of excited about a big, old-fashioned castle siege! So plus five (+5) in anticipation of next week.

Total: 34

The Bad: 
+++Kate loses one point (-1) for her "Bet you can't do it with three." Yes, let's double-dog dare Robin into being more of a showoff. And while we're at it, let's give all the local pyromaniacs blowtorches. From the way Robin puts his ear to the ground and smiles, he already thinks he's some sort of super-tracker now.

+++None of the people seem the slightest bit freaked out that Guy is helping them escape the guards rather than rounding them up, wrapping them in gift paper, and signing the tag. Minus one (-1). This was especially frustrating because the show could have earned at least ten points if they would have had someone try to resist by saying "No! No! Not my tongue!" and Guy saying, "Silly peasant! Look at my redemption arc. I am trying to help you!"

+++I still find Archer super hot, although I want to cut his hair SO BAD. In fact, I would like to round up the entire cast and have a makeover day a la America's Next Top Model. What do you bet that Guy's the one who cries when Tyra tells him that he's going to be the one with short short hair? Robin will get a weave, Little John will become a redhead, and Kate will be sent home before makeover day for talking back to Tyra. She wouldn't put up with that. It's been awhile since I've taken away a point for bad hair decisions, so for old time's sake . . . minus one (-1).

+++UGH, not another "I will get to you through your mother!" plot. Especially because I never ever wanted to see Kate's mother again; I had hoped that she packed up her pottery shop and moved to a tourist town somewhere. Instead she's still in town and apparently playing Red Riding Hood at the local community theater? That's a weird cloak. Also, I am just sick of Isabella and Kate fighting over Robin's affections. SICK OF IT. It chips away at Isabella's badassness and gives Kate more excuses to whine and cry. Minus three (-3). And we haven't even gotten to the catfight yet.

+++Honestly, Kate? Shouldn't you be questioning why Isabella is inviting your mother to the castle and giving her necklaces? I mean, I realize that jealousy can make people irrational, but that was almost too easy. Minus three (-3).

+++Grr, I am so mad at all of the outlaws for not believing Allan. (AND YOU, GUY). Especially when you consider that if he was really working with Isabella, don't you think that they would keep it hush-hush in case the connection could prove useful in the future? You are all dancing on your little puppet strings without even broaching a single question!  I mean, okay, he sort of betrayed you in the past, but he at least deserved more benefit of the doubt than that. His previous backstabbing hasn't been much of an issue through the last ten episodes, why is it suddenly the be all and end all now? ALSO, considering the person Allan sold info to is STANDING IN YOUR CAMP all ladida, I'm an outlaw now, you think they could be a little more understanding. Minus five (-5).

+++I don't know how I feel about Tuck's sit-in. Civil disobedience isn't the worst anachronism this show has ever had, by far, and I would agree it's the best choice when you're dealing with people who aren't trained in fighting, but at the same time, it's not like this show has had any qualms at wanton killing in the last two seasons so pulling peaceful resistance out of your hat now is kind of . . . hypocritical? Hmm. I will have to think on this more.

+++Allan's death was such a letdown. I like that he died trying to warn his friends, but to be shot in the back by Vasey with no recognition whatsoever just felt . . . wrong. I don't think that you needed to save the Vasey reveal for the last five seconds of the episode if it meant that you could have given Allan a little more of a sendoff by having him fight back against Vasey or just . . . something. Minus five (-5). Also, why does this show always kill off my favorite characters? Why?

+++Yes! Yes! Start with Kate! . . . Oh crap, Archer, I appreciate your turn for the noble, but why did it have to save Kate Minus one (-1).

+++Minus three (-3) for the completely unnecessary Kate/Isabella catfight. I get enough of that from Paris Hilton's My New BFF, but at least with that show they give me 7000-pound cupcakes to make up for it.

+++Boo. Minus one (-1) for not showing Guy's reaction to Allan's death. I am just going to assume that he is sobbing and kissing Allan's ring. And, er, recovering really quickly.

Total: -24

Good - Bad: 10

Total Eclipse: +26
Cause and Effect: +8
Lost in Translation: +8 
Sins of the Father: +39
Let the Games Commence: +22
Do You Love Me?: +108
Too Hot to Handle: +40 
The King Is Dead, Long Live the King: +21
A Dangerous Deal: +21 
Bad Blood: -18 
The Enemy of My Enemy: +18
Something Worth Fighting For: +10

Total: 303

And that's it. I am so frightened about the "Deliver Gisborne to the tunnel" statement. It's obviously coming from Vasey, who either wants to kill Guy or tempt him with some sort of power trip again. Guy better freaking stay good this time, I swear, or else I don't know what I will do. Attack your castle, maybe. And just so you know, I have played an ungodly amount of Lords of the Realm II, so be afraid.

robin hood bbc

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