NAME: Ferus
AGE: 25
EMAIL ADDRESS: atradomina@yahoo.com
ferus_preliatorOTHER CHARACTERS: Roderich
NAME: Belle Laurent
SERIES/SOURCE: Disney's Beauty and the Beast
AGE: 16
GENDER: female
ROLE: student
BACKGROUND: Belle Laurent was born in the village of Remiremont in the north of France to Maurice and Gabrielle Laurent. Shortly after her birth Gabrielle took sick and died, leaving the young Belle to be raised by her eccentric inventor father. For the most part he let his daughter do what she wanted, he taught her to think for herself and made sure that she had what she needed. The young girl spent most of her time either helping out on their farm, reading or "having adventures" in the woods near their farm when she wasn't at school. She didn't have very many friends at school, since she found the girl's tendency to fawn over and incessantly talk about the boys to be annoying and a waste of time. The boys weren't much better since all they did was talk about themselves for the girls. The few friends she had were other misfits who shared her love of stories and adventure. Her powers manifested at an early age, but she kept them secret to everyone but her father until one of her friends, a much larger boy that the bullies called Beast (and who she had something of a crush on) was being picked on in the lunchroom. Forks and knives and trays threw themselves at the boys, forming a protective ring around him until the bullies left in fear. From then on she was even more ostracized, all but the closest of her friends and her father would even talk to her anymore. Amongst cries of witch and uproar from the parents that their children should go to school with someone so dangerous her father decided it would be best for her to go to Xavier's. As sad as she was to leave her school friends, Belle views it as something of an adventure to go to America and this new school.
PERSONALITY: Belle is intelligent and independent, she would much rather spend her time reading or day dreaming than fawning over a handsome man and scheming to marry him like the rest of the girls in her village. She finds life in a small village to be boring and would prefer to be somewhere she could have adventures and maybe find someone who sees her as more than a pretty face to get married to. She doesn’t seem to notice that she’s beautiful and views any attention she receives because of it as more of an annoyance than anything else. She isn’t afraid to speak her mind, even to someone who could potentially hurt her, a quality that would get her into more trouble if she wasn’t so pretty. She is friendly to those who are friendly to her and doesn’t tend to hold grudges. She likes to spend her time either going on adventures or reading about them if she doesn't have the option.
APPEARANCE: Belle is of average height, about 5'5", and slender, with brown hair and large brown eyes. She tends to prefer dresses over pants unless it would be more reasonable to wear them.
POWERS: Inanimate object animation: Belle can make any inanimate object come to life and (theoretically) follow her commands. Unfortunately she tends to lose control of these powers when she is particularly angry or upset, and the items have been known to take on a life of their own if she tries to animate too many of them at once. Eventually they will lose their "life" and return to being inanimate, though the time period can vary.
ANYTHING ELSE?:Belle has a dog, sort of. Her pet was once a regular footstool in her father's home and was one of the first things she animated. For whatever reason it has stayed animated and has quite the personality of its own, acting just like a real dog. If exposed to a null it will promptly return to footstool status, only to resume it's "life" once the null has moved out of range.
Belle speaks French as her native language and a smattering of German from living near the border, along with English.