The Beautifully Tragic

Oct 14, 2010 12:56

Fandom: The Phantom of the Opera and Wicked
Pairing: Erik x Elphaba
Done For: 1sentence
Theme Set: Beta
Rating: PG - 13   
Disclaimer: Erik belongs to Gaston Leroux and Andrew Lloyd Webber
Elphaba belongs to Gregory Maguire and Stephen Schwarts
Notes: I had this sitting around for ages and finally got around to actually working on it. I like this one the best of all the ones I've done so far.

It wasn’t much of a walk, the island in the lake was very small, but the two enjoyed it none-the-less.

It started with when their eyes met across the ballroom, then the waltz where they felt like the only two on the dance floor, and ended with a kiss that neither saw coming but didn't want to end.

They both had their individual wishes, though only one they both had but never said out loud; the wish to stay by each other’s side forever.

She was a wonder to him, how her green skin shown in the moonlight and how she never once shrank away from his unmasked face.

There was the worry that she would leave him for the Scarecrow, but after the many nights she lay with him, that worry left in a hot air balloon.

She came from a world of whimsical beauty....

…he came from a desert wasteland, yet they both carried scars that the only the other could heal.

Whiskey and Rum:
True, he enjoyed the occasional glass of red, and she never drank, but that night they both gave into their inhibitions and made such sweet music.

They fought, it would be surprising if they hadn't, but each time they did it usually left the lair looking like a warzone.

It was a taboo subject, neither one wanting to break the relationship with that one discriminating word.

He went all out for her birthday, decorating the whole lair in green that she called it her "Emerald City".

They needed no official blessing for their relationship, their shared pain of rejection and humiliation was enough.

There was no basis for being bias between them, one was green from head to toe, the other was forced to wear a mask to cover his lack of a face.

She soul was burning for love when he found her, and it still does, though this time it burns just for him.

He would lay awake at night, just to listen to the breathing of the one he loved, the beautiful, green woman that shared his bed and who owned his heart.

To save himself from his breaking heart, he found another with one that was equally broken.

Her belief that her 'Angle of Music' would never leave her was so strong that only his belief in her could match it.

"A hot air balloon?" he asked her, astounded that man had learned to defy gravity, even for a short time.

There was no balcony in his underground lair, but that didn’t stop them from reenacting the garden scene from Romeo and Juliet.

Occasionally, their thoughts would drift back, to those they loved before they found each other, these moments would shack the already unstable grounds of their relationship, the bane of their love.

There were moments of pure silence, neither needing to say anything.

He had his quirks, his moments of sitting at his organ, running his fingers over the ivory keys, sullen and lost in thought.

The question sat on her lips, unasked, "Am I even worthy of him?"

In hindsight, the subject of the quarrel was laughable; that little black ribbon nearly cost their relationship though.

Neither wanted to even think about the idea of quitting, they had already past the point of no return.

She had a playful, child-like side to her, occasionally jumping into bed like a six-year old when he whispered of his plans for that night.

He had a lighter side that only she saw, a grin, a glint in his eyes, which meant that he had found a new way to make her laugh.

She only understood the concept of jousting in the vaguest sense, though she told him that she saw no reason way he had to fight to win her love.

She was his emerald, his living jewel.

The world just held them, no other.

His antics always brought forth first a smirk and then a full smile on her lips.

There would be moments, for both of them, when their past came back to them, causing them to relive the deep seated pain, anger, and loneliness.

It wasn’t always perfect, there would be moments of stupidity from one or the other that would create a huge riff between them.

He would serenade her whenever the mood was on him, filling the air and water with his music, and causing her to join her voice with his before the song was over.

Oh, she had a sharp and biting tongue.

Even with all the beautiful trappings and candles the little island under the Opera House was a sordid living space, though it never seemed to bother them.

There would be moments when he would put on his mask again and quote Shakespeare.

There would be nights where they both sojourned to the world outside their little island, for she loved the opera.

Music wasn’t the only thing they shared, but it was one of the strongest ties that held them together.

There would be times when one or the other would slip off alone, but there was the trust they would come back.

He awake to find the bed empty save for him and no sign of her, only to have his panic subside when she came back from behind the dressing curtain.

Their lives were not always exciting; there would be long periods of simple enjoyment of each other’s company.

He led the dance, giving her only subtle pushes and pulls that led them around the island and stripped everything but the music from the world.

It was night when she awoke from a dream in cold sweat, but his soft, silent breathing next to her calmed her.

She slipped so well into his life that he sometimes wondered she was truly real.

There was no horizon in their underground home, but the roof of the Opera House saw them every evening as the sun slipped from the world.

It was true that he would go to the ends of the world for her, but such valiant acts where not needed, as she found no need to ever leave his side for another.

He was not her first, but she silently wished he had been.

She had conquered him as no young choirs girl ever could…

...and he smiled in happy defeat.

erik, wicked, phantom of the opera, 1sentence, elphaba

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