Publication Date: 1966
Page count: ~200 pages
Source: Inter-Library Loan
This book is about a man on a ship (a fishing boat, I think). In between constant bouts of seasickness, he reminisces on his childhood and on all of his awkward sexual encounters. The book contains very long passages where he jumps from one memory to another. The style is interesting in that it resembles the way memory works, but it is also dry and difficult to follow. It didn't help that the main character was passive and uninteresting. None of the other characters really stuck out in my mind.
Admittedly, I am not the best person to review this book, as I don't have the greatest attention span, so I'm sure there was a lot in this book that someone else would notice or appreciate that I completely missed. (I won't be offended if you want to re-assign it to someone who would give it a more thorough review.)
Rating: 1 out of 5