Nov 20, 2011 12:59
Book Title: Wise Blood
Author" Flannery O'Conner
Price: $5.95 purchased from eBAY
Copyright: first printed in 1952
number of pages : 232
Wise Blood by Flannery O'Conner first published in 1952. After WWII, Hazel Motes returns to his home in Georgia, He is the grandson of a travelling preacher, but he was never sure of his belief and after the war he came home as an atheist. He ran across a traveling preacher uptown and it gave him the idea to begin his own church to spread antireligion.He soon discovers the traveling preacher, who is suppose to be blind and and daughter are both con- artist.When Motes puts on a new suit everybody thinks he is a preacher. His friend tells him that some people have "wise blood" that they blood knows if the mind does not. This was a strange book with strange characters, but something about it kept me reading until the end. I can't say that it was my favorite book, but it certainly was interesting. Since it was about Georgia and I'm from Georgia, I found it more interesting. As a side note Flannery had Lupus and went home to live with her Mother. Her Father died from Lupus. Many of her novels are reflective of her attitudes around this time.
One more thing to note this was turned into a movie.That was filmed mainly in Macon, Georgia.
flannery o'connor,
20th century books