Thread Template, PP

Jan 20, 2006 16:10

Here's the Thread Template for the HMS Pumpkin Pie on SCUSA:



[color=orange][b][size=8]HMS Pumpkin Pie CXI[/size][/b][/color]

[color=orange][size=4]Adding the Letter P to Hermione's Patronus[/size][/color]

[img][/img][b]Harry Potter and Hermione Granger[/b][img][/img]

[b]Welcome aboard, shipmates, visitors and lurkers, to the [size=4][color=orange]112th[/color][/size] Voyage of the [size=4][color=orange]HMS Pumpkin Pie[/color][/size], celebrating the flagship of the Potter-verse, the love and friendship of Harry Potter and Hermione Granger![/b]


[color=blue][i][/i] by [b][/b][/color]

[color=navy][b]Previous Thread[/b]

[url=]Steady As We Go[/url]

Love this ship? We're recruiting! [b]Join our[/b] [url=]ship staff![/url]

Want to read a good fic? [b]Go cruising at the[/b] [url=]Harry/Hermione fic thread[/url]

Need a quick Harry/Hermione fix? [b]Make some memories at our[/b] [url=]Harry/Hermione Cookie Jar[/url]

[b]History of the Pumpkin Pie[/b]

[url=]Origins of HMS Harmony and Pumpkin Pie[/url]

[b]Want to visit other awesome Harry/Hermione sites? Try...[/b]


[]Harry loves Hermione[/url]

[]Team Voldemort[/url][/color]

[color=purple]Are you a [b]new member[/b]? How about a [b]perpetual lurker[/b]? Well, join in the fun and as our gift to you, enjoy a lovely [b]newbie basket[/b] containing:

[b]- Pumpkin Pie

- Copies of all five books, with every H/Hr moment highlighted in orange

- Pumpkin Pie: A History (A written record of our ship's journeys)

- A Buckbeak plushie and a winking pumpkin plushie

- A Crookshanks plushie

- Pumpkin Pie scented/flavored lip gloss and shampoo

- An orange megaphone to announce GPPMs

- A pumpkin pie t-shirt and a pumpkin-shaped hat

- Pumpkin seeds!

- a copy of [url=]Paradigm of Uncertainty[/url] by Lori, one of the first and most ambitious H/Hr fics around

- a copy of Hogwarts: A H/H History[/b][/color]

[color=indigo][b]Celebrate with us![/b]

Post in Orange Day (1st of Every Month) -- Scheduled for [b]Wednesday 1st February, 2006[/b]

Speed Posting Day (30th of Every Three Months) -- Scheduled for[b]Thursday March 30th, 2006[/b]

Have a new [b]Holiday Idea[/b]? Please feel free to post it![/color]

[color=navy]Join in our [b]Picture Challenge[/b], organised by Teh Loffly [b]Ashley[/b]! Here's how it works:
I link to a photo/etc. of H/Hr, and you guys have to come up with some kind of caption, skit, etc. that tells whatever situation they COULD be in.
1. Try not to put H/Hr in the situation that they were ACTUALLY in.
2. When you post your response to this challenge, please put it under the bolded heading "Picture Challenge" (like when you answer a question).
3. Be creative!![/quote][/color]

[color=teal][b]Think you might be becoming a bit obsessive? Join the club! Here is an ever-growing list of the ways you know you are becoming obsessed with Harry/Hermione:[/b]

[quote] 1. You spend the evening posting in rapid-fire succession

2. When you post in quick succession because you've got a major piano exam during the day and posting and thinking about H/Hr calms you incredibly well.

3. When you squee because the cover of your music book is orange and there's a shape that is vaguely pumpkin-like on it.

4. When you hope desperately that your examiner will be like McGonagall because McGonagall has a soft spot for H/Hr and will thus be a kindred soul.

5. When you get angry about Thanksgiving not being celebrated in your country because you won't get to see all the pumpkin pie.

6. When you start to laugh uncontrollably when a few of your American friends say that they were looking forward to eating pumpkin pie for their personal Thanksgiving celebration.

7. When you refuse to tell them why you're laughing because they're mostly R/Hrs and wouldn't understand.

8. When you think about moments from H/Hr canon while playing your Tchaikovsky (from the Romantic period) because your teacher told you to play it "with emotion" and once you thought about H/Hr and played it she said, "That's perfect."

9. You won't read any other fanfics than H/Hr ones (with a few exeptions)

10. You start making H/H connections and parallels in Danny Phantom.

11. You eat toast every morning because of that wonderful Lake scene.

12. You find out that one of your friends' sister and her boyfriend's name both start with 'H' and you think happily that they are going to make a wonderful couple.

13. You scrawl "H/Hr" on bits of paper during long, boring phone conversations.

14. One of the first words out of your mouth when meeting a new acquaintance and the conversation turns to books is, "Have you read Harry Potter? Yes? Good! So...Harry and Hermione, perfect, isn't it?"

15. You think with self-satisfaction that even if R/Hr did happen, Dan and Emma would screw it up in the movie version anyway.

16. You search for pictures of pumpkins on the Internet and become quite annoyed when you find that there really aren't that many of them.

17. Songs that promote fighting in a relationship irritate you.

18. You know that H/Hr is destiny because the UK in your atlas is orange.

19. You avoid talking ships with real life HP friends because you wouldn't want to know if they're Ents. *shudders*

20. You didn't get your cover letter written today because you were too busy doing shippy stuff.

21. You got your significant other into various Pumpkiny stories even though he swears he's a Swiss shipper. (Hubby checks for HWTF updates more often than I do!)

22. You fight insomnia by thinking up various Harry/Hermione scenarios.

23. The very mention of "Harry and Hermione" on J.K.'s website makes you squee.

24. You're considering putting the Harry and Hermione plushies on your Christmas list even though you're in your 20s and your family would think you're crazy.

25. You got mad (privately) at your aunt for bringing pumpkin bars to thanksgiving rather than Pumpkin Pie.

26. - you encourage your two-year-old to say Harry and Hermione's names together, and to gleefully shout "Pumpkin Pie!" when he sees it.

27. You leave your email program up so you'll know just when others have posted to the thread, giving you a chance to come back

28. You already bought the PoA "magic moments" booklet but want another so you can cut out the shippy pictures for your bulletin board!

29. Just about every fanfic brainstorm you have leads back to H/Hr in the end

30. You wonder if your husband will let you get away with naming the next pair of pets "Harry" and "Hermione"

31. You start telling your friends that they and their boyfriends/girlfriends remind you of H/H

32. The first thing you ask someone who says they like HP is if they like H/H

33. H/H fanfiction becomes a drug

34. You become squemish and have the urge to barf at the mention of R/Hr

35. you get really defensive if another shipper insults H/H

36. Your cell phone's ring tone is "Hedwig's theme."

37. You start seeing Harry/Hermione look-a-likes everywhere, even in illustrations of Mary and Joseph.

38. You're doing spring/early summer cleaning and you start to pass the time by thinking of what H/Hr might have done while cleaning 12G.

39. You regret that you can't wrap your Christmas presents with orange and white like you do for birthdays.

40. You find yourself piping "H/Hr" onto Christmas puddings - close shave there with the mother, though fortunately I was able to wipe it off.

41. You seriously consider buying your best (R/Hr) friend a couple of little plaster pumpkins for her plaster collection.

42. You weigh up every single romantic relationship between your friends on a scale of "not at all like H/Hr" to "perfect match".

43. You find yourself unconsciously telling people that they need a "pumpkinglomp" to brighten up their day and are hugely amused when they look confused.

44. You buy pumpkin pie scented candles even though they don't smell particularly wonderful (just because they're pumpkin pie).

45. You get mad at Lego for not including a Hermione figure in their Rescuing Sirius Black set.

46. You realize that you'd consider wearing pumpkin-orange colored clothing, when a few years ago it would have been unthinkable (because it's really not a good color for your complexion).

47. You consider stencilling your kitchen cabinets with pumpkins to make that room more cheerful.

48. You see movies with a boy and girl doing something that H/HR should do.

49. You were munching something that looks good but unaware that it's made from pumpkin.

50. You were looking at photos carefully and so some of those people resemble H/Hr

51. You were having wet dreams for the last 2 nights about them.

52. You seriously feel cut when you missed out on most of the biggest posting spree on the H/Hr thread that you've ever seen on FAP.

53. You're camping under duress but the discomfort is alleviated somewhat when you remember that Harry and Hermione had to put up tents together at the Quidditch World Cup.

54.You have several filled, spiral-bound notebooks of various unfinished/finished H/Hr ficlets and literary essays explaining why H/Hr should be together

55.You see a sale on "festive" candles at a shop and decide to fill up on pumpkin pie scented ones

56.You spend an hour or more analyzing each new GoF photo that is released of the pair.

57. You waste time refreshing the SCUSA repeatedly while waiting for new replies on the H/Hr thread.

58. You've made nearly a dozen wallpaper desktops featuring the latest GoF picture.

59. You've made nearly 400 of your own H/Hr icons/avatar

60. When you read non-HP novels and compared the characteristics of two protagonists of opposite sex that almost identical to H/Hr

61. You thought of a situation when you, as the observer see Harry and Hermione talking to each other either in a room or outside.

62. You compare every set of fictional friends who end up dating to Harry and Hermione.

63. You are in college and actually think of having yourself and your boyfriend dress up as Harry and Hermione for Halloween.

64. You check the tally of how many posts so far in the thread and the number of individual posts of the users.

65. When you watch Lost and see tons of resemblance between Jack/Kate and Harry/Hermione.

66. You participate in the Thread-a-thon, helping your ship get a whole thread completed in 24 hours and keeping it that much farther ahead.

67. You have a whole playlist full of songs from your personal H/Hr Soundtrack, as well as recommended listening for your favorite H/Hr fics.

68. When Aragorn/Arwen reminds you a lot of H/Hr.

69. Your dad asks for an orange jellybean when you're passing them around for the kids and you can't restrain a grin.

70. You buy orange nail-polish even though your sister think it looks absolutely hideous.

71. You muse on whether or not to bring an essay on H/Hr to an old family friend's place who you recently found out ships R/Hr.

72. You're asking for another 5 minutes posting a reply as your parents are asking you out for breakfast.

73. When answered what your favourite cake is, you automatically answer "Pumpkin Pie", even though 1) you are a total chocoholic, and 2) you have absolutely no idea what pumpkin tastes like.

74. You had the walls of your room in student house plastered with pictures of PoA your mum printed out and sent you (that was pre-PoA release), and half of the pictures were of Harry holding Hermione tight or Hermione clutching at Harry's wrist, one quarter of the pics were of Buckbeak, and the last quarter were of the pumpkin patch.

75. You consider starting to wear orange clothes even though orange is your least favourite colour.

76. You squee when your Literature teacher arrives to teach the first class and you notice she is wearing an orange scarf and an orange blouse.

77. You start questioning the true nature of your feelings for your best friend when other friends of yours, who always go on about how Hermione-ish you are yourself, suddenly point out that your best friend really is a lot like Harry.

78. You consider moving to England just so that you can party with everyone else on National Pumpkin Pie Day, October 31st.

79. On October 30th, you go to the American grocery shop after classes, with the prospects of buying a pumpkin pie, a stack of H/H celebration cards, orange paper napkins and a pumpkin-themed decoration kit to get ready for Pumpkin Pie Day. Needless to say, you are horrified to see that not only do they not have any pumpkin pie, but worse--they don't even sell H/H celebration cards!!!

80. You see someone at school reading HP & PoA, and you want to go over to them and squee about the H/Hr shippy parts. You don't care that you've never seen this person before in your life.

81. You grin whenever you see a picture of Dan and Emma together

82. You point out to people that the R/Hr hand grab in the PoA movie was actually a H/Hr move - Hermione was worried about Harry.

83. You take out your scissors one day in physics and carve H/HR in the desk discreetly, then squee madly when you come back and see that someone wrote "ROCK ON" next to it.[/quote][/color]

[color=chocolate][b]Our favourite Harry/Hermione moments from GoF - whether they are shippy or simply great friendship moments[/b]

Aside from the dream, the movie opens with Harry and Hermione

The glomp in the Champions tent

Holding Hands in the Champions tent

The conversation on the bridge

Hermione telling Harry she is scared for him

Hermione kissing Harry on the head after the Second Task

Hermione asks, "Everythings going to change now, isn’t it?" Harry walks to her, puts a hand on her arm and simply says, "Yes."

The constant references to Pumpkin[/color]

[color=purple][b] There are many, many, many reasons why we ship H/Hr. Here is just a small selection of reasons that most shippers agree is the reason they ship H/Hr:[/b]

Because they are suited.

Because they think on the same level.

Because they don't need parallels, but L/J would approve.

Because Harry and Hermione have friendship, bravery and love.

Because in times of trouble, they reach out for each other.

Because they compliment each other.

Because they admire each other.

Because he thinks she's jaw-droppingly attractive.

Because their dates have been jealous of the H/Hr bond.

Because Hermione gave Harry his first hug and his first kiss.

Because the only time that Harry panicked in the DOM scene was when he thought he was going to lose Hermione.

Because Harry remembered her when no one else did.

Because Hermione always has Harry’s best interests at heart, and is willing to risk their friendship to protect him.

Because Hermione calms Harry down.

Because when things get tough, they instinctively cling to each other.

Because they actually respect one another and are able to disagree without calling each other names or ending up giving each other the silent treatment

Because they both have hair problems.

Because Hermione gives Harry a hug that nearly knocks him flat.

Because the best romances come from deep friendship.

Because the HP movie producers do.[/color]

[b]The H/Hr Jukebox![/b][quote] 1. "Collide" by Howie Day

2. "Mixtape" by Butch Walker

3. "True" by Ryan Cabrera

4. "Danger! High Voltage" by The Electric Six

5. "If You're Not the One" by Daniel Beddingfield

6. "I Love You" by Celine Dion

7. "Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me" by Elton John and George Michael

8. "Wherever You Will Go" by The Calling

9. "My Confession" by Josh Groban

10. "I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing" by Aerosmith

11. "Everything I Do I Do It For You" by Bryan Adams

12. "Come What May" from Moulin Rouge

13. "Two of Us" by Ayumi Hamasaki

14. "All Because of You" by U2

15. "LOVE (L is for the way you look at me)" by Nat King Cole

16. "Do you remember? (the first time that we kissed)" by Cliff Richards and the Shadows

17. “When you Say You Love Me” by Josh Groban

18. “I Honestly Love You” by Olivia Newton John

19. “Party for Two” by Shania Twain

20. “I Miss You” by Blink 182

21. “Heaven (Candlelight Mix)” by DJ Sammy

22. "Blue and Yellow" by The Used

23. "Bail me out" by Pete Murray

24. "I Knew I Loved You" by Savage Garden

25. "Can't Stop Loving You" by Phil Collins

26. "Amazed" by Lonestar

27. "From This Moment" by Shania Twain

28. “When you say nothing at all” by Ronan Keating

29. "You're My Best Friend" by Queen

30. "Lean on Me" by Bill Withers

31. "Beautiful Soul", by Jesse McCartney

32. "I Won't Say (I'm in Love)," from Hercules

33. "I'll Be Right Here Waiting For You," Richard Marx/Bryan Adams

34. "Insatiable," by Darren Hayes

35. "Can't Take My Eyes Off You," by Save Ferris (Andy Williams Cover)

36. "Last Song" by Gackt

37. "Kimi Ga Matteiru Kara (Because You're Still Waiting)" by Gackt

38. "Tsuki no Uta (Moon Ballad)" by Gackt

39. “Saving all the love” by Candi and the Backbeat

40. "Everything," by Lifehouse

41. "Dare You To move," by Switchfoot

42. "Make a Move," by Lost Prophets

43. "Sign your Name," by Terrence Trent Darby

44. "To The Moon and Back," by Savage Garden

45. "I Wanna Take Forever Tonight," by Peter Cetera and Crystal Bernard

46. "Forever In Love," by Kenny G

47. "If Love Is All We Have," by Dave Koz

48. "Once in a Lifetime," by Enigma.

49. "This Love," by Craig Armstrong & Liz Fraser

50. "Kimi No Tame Ni Dekiru Koto (What Can I Do For You?)," by Gackt

51. "Kimi Ga Oikaketa Yume (A Dream That You've Chased)" by Gackt

52. "Gravity of Love," by Enigma

53. "Only Love," by Sophie B. Hawkins

54. "Eden," by Sarah Brightman

55. "Because You Love Me," by Celine Dion

56. "Answer," by Sarah McLachlan

57. "To Make You Feel My Love," by Garth Brooks.

58. "From This Moment," by Shania Twain

59. "Angel," by Moi dix Mois

60. "Baby It's You," by JoJo

61. "Candy Shop," by 50 Cent

62. “Crush” by Dave Matthews Band

63. "I'll" by Dir en Grey

64. "Ain't Afraid to Die" by Dir en Grey

65. "Forever Love" by X-Japan

66. "Endless Rain" by X-Japan

67. "Forever and Ever" by Luna Sea

68. “Kiss me” by Sixpence None the Richer

69. "Steady As We Go" by Dave Matthews Band

70. "Whenever You Call" by Mariah Carey and Brian McKnight.

71. "At Last" by Etta James

72. "Be" by Jessica Simpson

73. "The Way You Look Tonight" by Frank Sinatra

74. "Pretty Baby" by Vanessa Carlton

75. "This is Love" by George Harrison

76. "Falling Down" by the Goo Goo Dolls

77. "The Spirit Carries On" by Dream Theater

78. "Anytime" by Kelly Clarkson

79. "Don't Forget About Us" by Mariah Carey

80. “Lazy Summer Days” by Elcho [/quote]

[color=orange][b] Karma[/b] has started writing us a ship song!! Here it is...

[i]To Pumpkin Pie, glory be

We sailed on through HBP

The love has been clear for all to see

From 93 till infinity.

In the sixth book we got hit.

The other ships picked us like a nit.

But now our words are brightly lit:

"We're Delusional and proud of it!"

Got a problem? Yeah, right.

We'll sail on through the darkest night

Like Hermione by Harry's side,

You can't break them up if you tried![/i][/color]

[color=indigo][b]Here's a list of our current shippers' resident countries...doesn’t matter where you come from, Harry and Hermione equal love! If your country isn’t on here, let us know! (Kudos, Karma!)[/b]









United States of America[/color][/center]























[center][color=deeppink][b]Potential Thread Titles (more are always welcome!)[/b]

Sneaking Glances at Each Other

She Gave Him His First Hug and First Kiss

Holding Each Other Tight in PoA

No, we aren't giving up!

Still Sailing Despite It All

Did you really think a little canon would stop us?

Ha, JKR Fooled You!

We're So Over HBP!

We Still Have Fanficition!

Secretly Holding Hands Throughout HBP

You Think Your OTP is Cute? If this Ship Happened, They'd Have the Same Initials!

Choosing Quality Over Quantity

Our Delusional is Stronger than Your Canon

We Can Smell it Cooking in Oven 7

There is a reason they have a H/Hr hug in the trailer.

From 93 till Infinity

Enjoying your sanity? Yeah, right.

Home of the Delusional-ites, and PROUD OF IT!

Guess Who's Arm She's Always Clinging On?

Pumpkin Smilies - step 47 in our plan for world domination

109 Snogs in the Pumpkin Patch

The Pumpkins are Raiding the Park!

[b]Hugging like there's no tomorrow

Everything's going to change

Can't Dream Alone

Even Rita Skeeter Caught On![/color]

[color=seagreen]Many a topic is discussed and dissected and deliberated over. Here are some of our more recent questions:[/b]


[color=red]Read a really good Harry/Hermione fic that you want to recomend to your fellow shippers? By all means, let us know! Just provide us with the information below.






Although please remember that [u][b]direct linking to NC-17 fics are against the ToU.[/b][/u][/color]

[color=purple] Some friendly reminders:~

[quote] * Two people can only exchange up to three posts each before they need to wait for a third person to make a post.

* No one liners.

* Your signature can only be posted twice per thread.

* No linking directly to NC-17 fics/sites. Your posts also must be PG-13 rated, so watch the innuendo.

* Ship staffing must be done at the ship staff thread. [/quote]Please keep this in mind while rowing!! :eyes:[/color]

[size=5][b][color=orange]POST PROUDLY, AND POST AS OFTEN AS YOU CAN![/color][/b][/size]




[size=1][url=]Thread Template[/url][/size]
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