Asking for Fantasy Book Recommendations

Jan 16, 2008 20:21

Okay so I finished the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer and I totally loved them.  I finished them in a week and was not satisfied so I stalked them on the internet and found out another is coming out in the fall and they're making a movie too.  I was then inspired to read them again, which I did.  And now I'm stuck.

I want to move on to another book (or preferably a series) but I can't think of anything suitable to follow this great series.  There's nothing good enough!  I've looked at my To Read list and am not satisfied with any of those possibilities.  I also can't find the motivation to reread any of my favorites.  I'm totally in a slump!

So... I was wondering if anyone here has any recommendations.  Here is a list of books I've already read and enjoyed.  Also on that page are suggestions by other LJers made in the past and a list of possible books to read that I compiled myself.  At this time I'm not really motivated to read any of those except the Seven Citadels series which is ironic b/c its out of print.

What I'm looking for is a fantasy novel set in another world or time period (modern day settings are not my usual preference) with a love story (nothing too gushy necessarily) but not politically strife centered (civil war, the king is assasinated, etc).  I'm not really a fan of science fiction or vampire stories despite the fact I I've read and enjoyed some.  I'm also feeling apathetic about talking animals and dragons although I'm not entirely ruling out dragons.  Sorry I'm being kind of picky...

So if you have any ideas I greatly would appreciate it!!!  Thanks!

EDIT:  Thank you so much to everyone who commented with suggestions!  I have tons to read now, lots of which I'm excited about.  I declare the slump over!
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