Purchase power!

May 27, 2008 11:59

A few of you (syrinxkat in particular) might have an interest in what I ordered from Amazon yesterday.

Only recently did I go seeking it again, and syrinxkat told me about Televisiontunes.com. This was the first theme I downloaded from this site (and then went on a rampage involving "Growing Pains" and "Denver the Last Dinosaur," but that's another story altogether...)(The "Growing Pains" theme was actually a really good song, and the "Denver" one is so stereotypically 80s that it's just awesome. <^^>;)

After it queued up on my ipod a few times, I decided to go in search of more information, and there is just NOTHING online...except for this CD, which I am absolutely AMAZED exists. How cool is that?

The show itself was one of my favorites, and, in my scouting around the internet, I was surprised to find that it only lasted one season due to budget cuts. Back in the day, I'd held my tape recorder up to my parent's TV to record the song on one of my personal mix tapes, and listened to it until the tape frayed right at that spot. (True story!)

The intro song is a tribal theme with chanting, presumably in the language of the Tectonic aliens featured in the show. I'm not sure how much of the "language" was developed during the show's run (or the movie produced earlier), so I have no way of knowing if they're supposed to be singing anything in particular. But I always got a shiver specific to this song, since it has such captivating emotion to it and yet was in a language that I knew didn't really exist. The experience was similar with the legendary Ewok Song and, later, with Adiemus.

I always liked to imagine what the aliens were singing about in this song. Knowing that this (the vessel in the show that marooned the aliens) was a slave ship, I pictured some type of religious ceremony that had been banned by their superiors, or maybe something about their trials as slaves or hope for the future. Oddly enough, I never really settled on a particular idea, but just let the feelings of endless possibility wash over me when I listened to the minute-long song.

Could never figure exactly WHY I was so fascinated with it, and nor did I give it much thought, but upon my purchase yesterday, I finally hit on it. I'm pretty sure it paved the way for my tendency to ask "what if?"--to pin possibilities on situations. Yeah, I had the background of the alien characters, but the subject of their song was totally up to ME, and I knew it always would be. Given the character history, what could I deduce of their song's topic and lyrics? Imagining the possibilities was addicting at best, and I definitely wanted to keep imagining. I was happiest where things weren't set in stone.

Only a small part of what led to what I do know, but it has its significance regardless.

I wish I could post a youtube link, since I'm dying to at least see the intro again, but even youtube failed me this time. You can hear the song here at the TVtunes page, or preview some of the other music on the CD at the Amazon page. It's a gorgeous song.

I sooo feel like watching this series again now.
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