(no subject)

Nov 30, 2005 22:29

Met up with Lin and Cindy for some...

trust me, we aren't as happy as we look. It all paid off though, and it went very well. They loved out presentation so much that they invited some japanese students to the class and then asked us to present it again.

I always knew I'd one day put on a skit were a bunch of bored scientists decide to go to the moon for kicks, but never in japanese.

The radio show went quite well today. I finaly had the idea to follow with the name of the show (multiple personality discography), and bring songs that each contrast greatly. This week i was Bulletcore electroDance/jp Hairmetal/screamo noise

I played some Kou Hagashi tracks like 25mg and Not Back in Time

Segata Sashiro by sega rocks


Van Johnson

and some Horse the Band just for fun.

The lovely japanese students came with me on air for a Konichiwa, and to see how much cooler we are than those Otaku in our class.

The highlight of the show was definately following up Daughters 'My stereo has Mono and so does my girlfriend' with Canned Heat 'Goin up the Country'.

Listen in two weeks from now when my multiple personality will be Modern math rock legends/norwegian romanticism.

listen in every second wednesday to Multiple Personality Discography. 3:30pm-4:30pm

ckcu 93.1 FM



きのうは八時半におきました。 ひるからジェレミさんとアーケ-ドんに

いきました。 ジェレミ さんがまいごになりました。 ジェレミ さんは

いつもまいごになります。 今晩から, としょかん で シンディーさんと

リンさんと 日本語のプロジェト を べんきょうしました. 日本語のプロジェト

は むずかしい ですね. でも プロジェトは たのし おもしろい ですよ.

あした, ラジヨ ショ- しって, 日本語のプロジェト しって, てつがく を

べんきょうします. たくさん てつがく の プロジェト が あります から.

らいねん, ノルワイ に 往きましょう. すきな 國 は ノルワイ です から.

それから, ノルワイ の 女の子 が きれい です よ!


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