Truth Series Fanart

May 17, 2013 13:07

Hi everyone :)

This is a quick fanart I drew for the poor, unknown, underappreciated Truth Series by Dawn Cook.

This is the scene I had in mind:

"I think you ought to give me papa's map if you can't read it and won't use it."
Strell glanced up, his face turning sly.  "You know what?"  he said, rolling up the map and edging away.  "I don't think you can read at all, not even the swirly stuff on my map."
Alissa's mouth dropped open.  "What?" she sputtered.
Grinning, he moved farther.  "I think you're making the entire thing up.  I don't think those squiggles mean anything."
"What about the berries the other day?  I told you that's what the map said and that's what we found."
He smiled indulgently.  "Everyone knows berries grow on that side of the slope."
"But I said they would be blueberries!"
"Lucky Guess."................

He leaned around the fire, coming dangerously within reach.  "Look, Alissa, see this?"  He pointed to the map.  "That's where the stars go in the daytime."
She ignored him.
"See here?  Snails."  He leaned back, adopting an important air.  "For your headache."
Her jaw clenched.
"And this on here, see this word?  That means you can't cross the river unless you catch a fish for the river spirits first."
Alissa gave him a slow look through narrowed eyes, but it only seemed to encourage him.
"And this one says wolves meet here at the full moon to dance by it's light."
She glanced down.  "It says 'Good Fishing,' Merchant."
"Merchant!" he cried, puttting a hand dramatically to his chest.  "You've wounded me to the quick with that."  Grinning, he leaned closer.  "Look."  A finger pointed.  "That's where baby rakus learn to fly."
"Give me that!" she exploded, lunging for the map.
"No, you don't."  Laughing, Strell scrambled out of reach.  He rolled up the map, retied it with her mother's ribbon, and tucked it away.

~First Truth, Dawn Cook.

I'm not entirely happy with the way Strell came out, but I'm OK with how Alissa looks.  And Talon doesn't appear because you don't want to see me try to draw a bird XD


fanart, books

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