So maybe I'll eventually post something other than music videos... but not today.
Tegan Quin + Against Me! = rock love
I think this song is really good, and would be really good even if Tegan weren't in it. The fact that she is is just a bonus to me.
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Comments 4
Nope, I was listening to Tegan and Sara <3 <3 <3 I don't have this song, actually... I need it!
you are a sketchball)
Oh, you. So adorski.
and I definitely showed up to CBS at 5:55 so I could jam to some Tegan and Sara in the Audi, which has wonderful, large speakers xD it was glorious... and the fact that y'all were late was totally cool with me :P
but I think my seat-dancing was what freaked the moms out xD
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