So, this post is largely stolen from
one_who_goes, who has been so gracious as to pass down her library wisdom, as though from Jedi to Padawan. But I have way less stupid hair than the typical Padawan, just saying.
So you want to be a library aide!
NOTE: Existing aides, go ahead and comment in the first thread to let me know you're still in!
Aides are responsible for posting the library one day a week. (If two people want to sign up as a team to cover a single day, that's awesome. More library interaction is good especially since I'm not around the first part of the day on weekdays.) The schedule will be announced Thursday, May 5th.
In IC terms, your character either handwavily filled out the aide application at some point after their arrival in Fandom, or was assigned library duty through a paperwork error. (I still need the form for paperwork error types -- just note that the form doesn't really exist IC in the OOC info section.) If you want to apply IC, show up in the library any day it's posted and we'll play it through.
If you're not an aide yet but want to be one, fill out the form below! The RNG will choose who wins. Even though I wanted to make you guys fight but whatever.
Name:Grade:Days Available (best 2-3):My favorite book is:I want to be a library aide because: OOC
Is there anything about why your character should be an aide (or why you want to play a library aide) that wasn't covered above?: Applications are due by 11:59 PM EST May 4th so we have a minute before the newbies actually arrive so we can hammer out schedule details!
I'll unscreen questions, but otherwise everything's screeny-screened!