It's that time of year again...

Nov 16, 2009 16:56

Dear Santa,
Firstly, thank you so much for offering one of my fandoms-of-choice. I know that whatever you write will make me very happy this Christmas.

I prefer my characters fairly close to canon as a general rule, except for the Archers, when a little bit of anarchy could be rather fun... I have a guilty love for angst - angst with a point at least - but I do prefer a happy ending. I can cope with folk dancing, but not incest, underage smut, and I am not crazy about things that are too explicit. I know, such a killjoy. Slash is fine, as long as it is plausable.

Antonia Forest - Marlow series
I feel sorry for Ann, the unpopular one of the family. I would like a story where people express some sort of affection for her, where she has a place and is liked and respected.
Nicola is hard on Ann, Rowan shows a touch of sympathy at some point, and Lawrie and Ginty rarely think of anyone but themselves (oo, harsh, harsh...). It would be lovely to see Ann happy and respected, or even just fitting in with her family.

Betty Smith - A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
I would love to see Francie at College, settling to a world so different from her Brooklyn background.
The end of A Tree Grows is very positive. Francie is breaking free of her hardships and her family all seem to be happy. I am not quite convinced by Ben, but feel free to convince me. Francie at college, Francie returning home for the holidays, anything goes, as long as they are happy at the end...

Elizabeth Enright - The Melendys series
I would absolutely love a happy family story, or possibly a story about Mona living in New York and working on the radio show.
I devoured these four books. Spiderweb for Two was the first that I read, so Randy is a particular favourite. I would love to read more about them all, but especially Randy, Mona and Rush.

The Archers
I love the Archers. I have been listening all my life, and I have quite a few books and Vintage Archers cassettes. What I would really like is something subversive. Tell me all about the Ambridge Underworld. Or the secret life of an obscure character. Actually I would be equally happy with something true to the show if crack!Ambridge isn't your thing.
I don't know that I can add to this, but anything would amuse me greatly.

Thank you so much for this,



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