Well, it only took me EIGHT MONTHS to get my act together after my last vid. Granted I finished grad school and got my 'real' job in the meantime...but STILL. Unexcusable absence from vidding!
I had the idea for this vid ages ago, but it was more like a crack!vid bunny at the time. Then S4 happened, and I finally had enough footage to support my crazy-ass idea, and it got all character-driven and achey. I want to hug my Chief even more after making this. Seriously--the man needs a hug.
Title: Ball and Chain
boom_queenSong: "5446 was my number/ Ball and chain" by Sublime (song edited by me)
Spoilers: Up through episode 4.03.
Character/pairings: Chief, Chief/Boomer, Chief/Cally, Final Four cylons
Summary: An equally painful and funny look at the gradual stripping of all Tyrol's ideals and illusions as he loses his relationships and his identity. With reggae/dub.
V/N: Beta credits for this one go to Mr. BQ
Download the mp4
here (29 MB).
Also streaming at YouTube
Cross-posted to
aarondouglas and
Comments/feedback make me do the Dance of Joy.