My ben drawring. I couldnt figure out his hair. thats why it sucks
this was bout my 8th Eric Dill, i just kept messing something up
i think this one turned out rather well
i told joe that i couldnt draw a guitar, so thats why there was a big empty space in his picture. He, without saying a word, drew the guitar, then handed it back to me. Kristina asked if he practices on the bus. I think he laughed.
Dont ask, i dont have a clue myself. Joey is a strange one.
Kristina pumping gas.
The click Fives Bus at Kmart
My lover and I.
I told him to stand up the slant so he appeared taller.
Not quite sure what Ben and Morgan are doing here
Eric Dill forget his keys to the bus.
Ben's Shoes
Mine and Allie's shoes.
The skate park
Cat, Drik, and Ben's shoes
PS. Ben was standing there talking to Dirk the whole time we were doing this photo shoot. it was great.
Kristina and Ben's shoes
We suggested photoshoot. He suggested this pose. Allie claims her hand is not on his ass, but we will never really know.
My lover and i at Prom.
i hate it. its ugly.
This ones better, but i still hate it.
More boredom
Scarf and shoes.
Kristina and Allie. that girl in the background looks really familiar
Kristina, Allie, and Nashville
Kristina was being artsy
Im the only one that can do it.
Only 2 concert pictures i got.