the same. By my definition--this isn't even in the realm of possibility. I'm getting to my definition in a bit--don't bite me and ask for more;) Let's see what says (because I no longer have the big book itself)
A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a
person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities,
or a sense of underlying oneness.
A feeling of intense desire and attraction toward a person with whom one is
disposed to make a pair; the emotion of sex and romance.
Sexual passion.
Sexual intercourse.
A love affair. An intense emotional attachment, as for a pet or treasured object.
A person who is the object of deep or intense affection or attraction;
beloved. Often used as a term of endearment.
An expression of one's affection: Send him my love.
A strong predilection or enthusiasm: a love of language.
The object of such an enthusiasm: The outdoors is her greatest
love. Love Mythology. Eros or Cupid.
often Love Christianity. Charity.
Sports. A zero score in tennis. ..for the purposes of this post, we'll discount that last definition=)
When I think of love--some of that does fit. When I am in love this is what's going on--tick with me;) I think of your heartbeat quickening at the site of them (for a while anyhoo...;) ..feeling charged/tingly all over from a simple touch? Not worrying about what you are going to do when you go out because it doesn't matter--because are there with you. A big one is being perfectly happy to stay in some nights and just sit/lay on the couch together and snuggle/massage without feeling pressure for anything more. When I see that person smile, all I want in the world is to see them smile again--it makes (me) feel great inside. It's not a superficial feeling--that's to the core. (That's when I know it's starting to get bad...brr) Love is wanting to be with someone no matter what's going on in their life. You constantly build that person up--you don't run them down. You don't argue with them or expect them to do your work for you mmm...back to the convo at hand. That person knows that they are on a pedestal. When I am in love--that person gets spoiled=) She is a queen. Roll your eyes if you wish, but the time I got (really) close to suffering this awful affliction--I didn't even care to ((look)) at other women. ..I wasn't ready for that. No one ever said that would happen--it was always "I can look but I can't touch." Truly being in love is giving your all--it is a compromise. To me it is a total fusion of two people. All the walls down..all the secrets out. There is nothing that is too good for this person. I'm not saying I'm going to smother this person with gifts and things--but kind words and feelings of security don't cost anything. I will say that if I don't get a tactile woman..I'm in trouble;) Which brings up another situation. You know it's bad when you are sitting with someone that's supposed to be getting a backrub and you realize you've been caressing their face and neck for almost two hours--but anyhoo, ..having said that, a surprise or two is assured;) You support each other in your respective endeavors. You don't have to have a giant interest in your S/O's hobbies--but just enough of an interest to let them know that you do care it is important to them. (This is getting back to the compromise bit.) Another sign..can you just sit with them and look into each other's eyes and not talk and still feel comfortable? Loving someone is trusting them implicitly. Loving someone is giving that person everything that you are. This last line more than anything is why I say I haven't been in love yet. Some of you will say different--but I haven't felt that strongly about anyone else. I've been close twice..and have ((really really really)) liked someone a couple of other times--but as far as actually being in love--not yet. It is something I'm looking forward to if it ever happens. This armor is thick>>
What is your definition of love? Sound off=)