✖ Character Information
Name: Mail “Matt” Jeevas
Series: Death Note
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight the only man he would tap is Mello and that’s because Mello is a woman
School year:Sophomore I
Major:Game Design
Minor: Animation
Residence: Dorm
Occupation: Working at Gamestop
Matt’s the kinda dude who just wakes up, sniffs test the nearest article of clothing striped shirts, in every freaking color imaginable to him puts it on and will walk out the door just like that. He doesn’t put much of an emphasis on looks which is why you’ll see him in the same outfit a majority of time with some minimal bed head hair. He’s pretty average, most people wouldn’t even notice him if it weren’t for the goggles that seem permanently stuck to his face or that devil may care expression he directs at most people unless he’s caught up in a particularly good video game.
Personality: Matt is a serious couch potato, he doesn’t like being outside one bit. Matt would take a day spent entirely inside playing video games over going to say, an amusement park any day. Which explains why his apartment was always such a mess, he could care less if the place is clean so long as things aren’t growing. Matt is very book smart but when it comes to really interacting with other people he’s like a fish out of water. Since his friend disappeared Matt has kept every 3-D person at an arm’s length emotionally. But Matt’s also super loyal once he’s decided to befriend someone, he will literally do anything that person asks of him no matter how crazy it may seem. And when it comes to working to get something done, he’ll do what it takes to get that thing even if he gets a little distracted along the way.
Sometimes Matt does get distracted when it’s important though and causes him to make important mistakes that get him in trouble while on the job. When it comes to normal things like eating or getting sleep he can be a bit of an airhead and forget to do things that normal people would have no problem remembering to do. Mainly because those things don’t rank high on his priority list, such as going out to get his precious cigarettes or playing WoW.
History: Matt grew up at an orphanage known as Whammy’s House were they attempted to turn him to a well educated man in the hopes of making him into one of the many children in line to succeed a great detective who had been raised there years ago. Even though Matt didn’t care at all he became third in line to take over that detective’s place. All those tests the orphanage had him do were just games to Matt. He did make one friend while at the orphanage, but once that friend heard about the death of the detective that the friend looked up to the friend left the orphanage. This made the days at the orphanage long and unbearably boring.
So soon after Matt turned seventeen he left the orphanage too and used the money the orphanage gave him to start his new life with to move to Los Angles, California. He screwed around for a year working odd jobs and buying cigarettes a bad habit he picked up after his friend left and video games to play late into the night until Matt hit a bump in the road. The rent jumped up on his apartment and his odd jobs no longer paid the bill, so Matt decided it was time to go to college.
Student Name: Mail "Matt" Jeevas
Year: Sophomore I
Major: Game Design
Minor: Animation
12:00PM-01:20PM | MWF | ARTV 1341 Basic Animation
01:30PM-02:50PM | TR | JAPN 2311 Intermediate Japanese I
01:30PM-02:50PM | MWF | MATH 1350 Calculus I
03:00PM-04:20PM | TR | IDTF 1370 Introduction to cyber crime
Extra Curricular: N/A atm