this is a master post of all the graphics I have made thus far for my story Flowers in the Snow.
There are minor and one pretty major spoliers in some of these graphics. I want to post them because they came out very nice and I am proud of them. The biggest spolier is the very last one and I did put a warning above it.
The title graphic for Chapter three.
The Master title concept. I may make a new one but I think this is a really good improvement from the first one.
This was the first title idea... I like it, I think it's pretty but I think it could have been done better.
This was another title idea... also not the best but it was pretty too.
These were the first two chapters titles. I like them both. I think they came out well.
This was an idea for Mara's character graphic of sorts... I spellt stuff wrong which is horribly embarrassing but I like the over all look of it.
This gives away some of the plot of the the story but I love the way it came out... I am loving exploring the different family dynamics and the different relationships with in each of the major houses... it's so much fun! The Baratheon's a quickly becoming one of my favorites.
Again this give away a little hint at the plot but it's was also too pretty not to share. I loved the blend I made. I recast Stannis mostly because i really didn't think that casting worked well in the world I am picturing for this story. Not that I don't expect that the casting for show is good. :)
This is part teaser for Chapter Four and part character profile graphics. There has been a lot of positive feed back so far about the relationship between Mara and Renly so I excited to have them interact in the next chapter. You will really get to see how they are going to force to reckoned with... kinda paralleling Cersei and Jamie with out the incest.
This is the final concept graphic for Mara's character. I'm going to maybe do one for each of the characters. I was trying to show some of the major relationship that are going to be important to mara in the story... in no particular order btw. It just ended up looking the best in this order.
Below is a pretty big spoiler... I wanted to post it now because I was so proud of it. It really doesn't explain much of the more important points of this plot line but it does revel something that would be considered a spoiler in this story... so look at your own risk I guess. I'm not going to explain it till after I post the chapter.