So, it's been a long time since I did an actual update! I think it's about time I did one. Sooooo...let's go through what's been happening lately.
So social life wise, it's doing good. Been going clubbing and whatnot, which is soooo much fun. I wished my ex happy birthday early by accident but oh well..haha.... Ummmmmm, miss my Jenni since she's working two jobs. Hell, I miss a lot of people! Aaron, Nicole, Remy...etc. *Sigh* We used to hangout so much....Oh well, I'll hangout with them soon I think! *nods* So, really, I've been doing crazy things. Broke a lot of things I said I'd never do, which I am not necessarily proud of but meh, whatev right? *Shudders*
On the work front, sooooo much has been happening. I'm getting a promotion. I've decided to take the off to move to the Entertainment Department, which is out of sales, and to train to become an Entertainment Coordinator. Now, I have a kazillion questions but I know Jim will answer them..heh..woot, woot! But ya, so scared. I'm leaving sales, which is all I've done really. But, it's a step towards the right direction. I have support of my current DSM. She's happy for me but a lil' upset that I am leaving her. She doesn't want to hold her talent back though, which is nice. During this whole thing happening, it took me awhile before I got to find out if I was allowed to leave, we had a fullcount which sucked ass. It's been rescheduled which I sooo don't agree with. *nods* Ummm, being Viewpoint Captain (think student council but for work..haha...) is a lil' stressfull but I like it a lot. *nods*
Uhhh....OH!!!! Cable has been canceled at my place b/c we have decided to get Satellite, which is cool but I am moving soon so meh, whatev! Heh... mmmmm.....Out channel. *Snickers* Hrmmm..anything else? I had so much to type/tell but now, it's all escaped me. I guess I more just wanted to go into detail about my promotion. bwahahahahaha...rofl.
Anyways, this is all. Take care all!